Mar 02, 2005 15:19
Not that I object having to fork over $100 of my money monthly to my DJ pool (ha, no real say there), but the last time I got for 2004 on Dec. 8th I only had $50 owing. My pick-ups would be at least two 25 CD boxes with about only a third in each box being these radio play edit song versions (BLEECH!); still, I would get some cool shit too. Now you tell me...
Pick-up Dec.8th, 2004 (last for the year): bal. $50 - Dec & Jan are a combo, meaning I just had to pay one month...
Received: Couple vinyl pieces ('pop'y, ehh...) and an ALMOST full 25 CD box; a third of it pop radio edits that I would NEVER play anyway
Pick-up for SECOND week in February (first of the year): Bal. $150 (didn't like the excess promo single clutter, had no $$$ to pay anyway)...
Received: ONE 12" - nothing to do with my favored genres a half box of discs, some not-too-bad stuff but half of it those garbage pop promo radio samplers. Promised more at the end of the month. Not happy...
Today? MARCH 2nd almost a month later; apparently there was no second half for Feb.: Bal. $175 (giving him $75 finally, I was still sore from the last month)
Received you say? A HANDFULL of freakin' CD's this time yo! HALF o' those suckas were promo discs and one new Ficherspooner 12" No 'word' on getting another pick-up for this month either.
So what are the points? I don't need to owe any more money to any more substandard-ass services. I used CD shop better shit than I've been getting from that pool. After I square up, I'm cuttin' that lemon off. I find it INCREDIBLY IMPOSSIBLE to believe that someone running a DJ pool (obviously because that's how they make some $$$ to live, or on the side) and that has the repertoires of spinning for each DJ 'client', AND has the pick of new releases from Major recording companies, can come up soooooooo short. I can't pay this guy's bills or groceries no more on such a poor service when I'm starving myself. This guy has clearly lost the reason behind doing this the right way. The funny thing is, I won't even be giving this joker a copy of my CD when it's done, ha ha ha... I mean why heh heh...