The Weekend

Jul 09, 2007 17:22

So, little T was deposited safely at Appalachian State University in Boone,NC. Kudos to Stilwater and Myst for driving with me to bring her there. It was a long and tedious drive, aptly documented in their journals.

I didn't realize how hard it would be to leave her there. It's kinda freaky to think of your 12 year old daughter (she'll turn 13 while there) being 12 plus hours away from you all alone. But, I'm dealing and she's having the time of her life. This will be a great experience for her. She's taking a college level literature course and her roomie is taking a Shakespeare Drama course. It's a match made in heaven, apparently. According to little T they were instant friends. I'm still entitled to worry, but I'm damned proud of her and I'm glad she's getting to do this. She called me this afternoon to check in and sounded completely thrilled with everything thus far.

Now, to watch the Wimbledon Men's final that J.B. recorded for me on the dvr. He didn't even check to see who won so we could watch it together. I'm pulling for Federer. Sharapova lost and Venus Williams got the title. I'm ok with that. Sharapova is my fav female player, but I like Venus. I can't stand Serena, but Venus is cool. I'm actually kinda glad she won it. My child should appreciate me giving up the tennis for her!
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