my randomocities

May 20, 2007 22:22

I got tagged by a couple people, but we know the deal. I list 8 random facts about myself and then you read them and I'm supposed to tag other people so they can list 8 random facts of your own, but I think you're reading this, you should list your own facts, so I'm tagging whoever's reading.

1. I'm not a big fan of slow jams. my friends will be rocking classic R&B tracks in their car and I'm mostly unamused. I like what I like, and I know what's good, but it's not my genre of choice. There are very situations where I'd pick Levert over Hendrix. In addition, the "Midnight Love" section of radio stations is the bane of my existence. Usually my ipod is dead around that time and my cds are tired so I'm stuck with radio, but I still choose lite stations.

2. I know a lot about stuff that doesn't matter. I will sometimes get drunken phone calls all through the night of people asking me what obscure things are. Also, the same people know that even if I don't know what it is, I'll know exactly how to find out. The counter to that is I choke under pressure. If I were on a game show, I'd lose.

3. i truly think I have super powers. no seriously. I just don't know how to turn them on yet.

4. i eat broccoli atleast 4 nights out of the week. even when I try not to, it just pops up on every single meal

5. i love eyeshadows. i have about 50 different colors. too bad I'm way too lazy to ever put any on.

6. i rub my nipples all day. I think it may be a nervous habit like biting your nails. There isn't even anything sexual about it when I'm doing it, I just really relax when I do. It's the first thing I do when I get up in the morning and the last thing I do at night.

7. i've always wished that I wore glasses, but while staring at a TV from across the room today and the letters were a little blurry, I got scared that I may actually HAVE to wear them soon.

8. I'm so unlucky. I never win a game of Bingo, lottery, raffles, nothing. because of this, my friends are convinced that my bad luck gives them good luck because if me and 6 friends buy raffle tickets, they will ALL win at least one huge prize. but this only works if I participate to, which I don't anymore.

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