stand under my um-ber-ella ella ella ey ey ey

May 07, 2007 10:06

ok, what the hell is I see it around lj all the time, and I've gone to the site and I'm still fuckin confused. It seems like something I'd be interested, but I'm not in the business of clicking and downloading shit that I'm still confused about. I feel like a kid. also, I don't know what the hell podcasts are. Like, my friend has a weekly podcast and I'm like, what the fuck is it? I mean, these are both things I could easily google, but I'm hoping you good people will explain them to me as I've tried googling and I'm still confused.

Now, onto the weekend....

edit: you know, I wrote a whole entry about my weekend, but I realized it just wasn't interesting enough to warrant a whole post devoted to it. I got the haircut on Friday, Noho Pride and Kitty Kat on Saturday, took my mom to dinner on Sunday followed by the gym teacher convention at Tisane. not boring by any means, just nothing to write home about... literally.

In other news, Sharon, Lois and Bram's Elephant Show was my favorite show as a tyke. Upon further inspection, that show was lame as hell.

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