hair update:

Mar 05, 2007 15:39

upon further inspection, the hair is actually very cute. it needed its time to stop going every direction but where I wanted it. Before I left the house, I had a Krusty the Clown type thing going on. part was up, the other part went to the sides. I just threw a headband on and put it in a messy ponytail. when I got to work though, the ponytail holder started to hurt, so I took it out, and a couple people in the office made comments about how "bad" and "crazy" my hair looked. I was in no mood though so I just got mad evil until I decided to look. When I actually saw it, though, it looked great. no, not straight like normal, but then I remembered how everyone stared the last time I had my hair like this. And how they only compliment my co-worker Glendowlyn, who wears her hair natural, when her hair is straightened and blown out. and then I remembered that I can't ask the majority of people I know for a true opinion when i wear my hair all.... "ethnic" is what they say, which is sad. and I was reminded of how sad it was when one of my lj friends (I'll keep her name secret) blew out her own natural hair and people acted as if she finally "came around" and got a perm. I'm not one of those who cares either way whether I'm permed or in my nappy glory, but I hate seeing other people being judged for being permed or in their own nappy glory. I especially hate when people act like I'm less beautiful because I don't straighten my hair. ya'll are going to flip when I get my Britney Spears on in 2 years, i'll tell you that much.

anyway, this got way long, way fast when I just wanted a reason to show my conceited ass off.

hair, pics

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