Jun 20, 2006 11:57
I joined BMG the summer after Freshman year of college, if I'm not mistaken. Just to get the 11 cd's for the price of one, or whatever the promotion is. I knew what the obligations were, read the fine print, and I fulfilled them. It's funny because everytime I'm about to quit, they offer me 12 cds for the price of 3 (but I have to take 3 shitty cds like 50 Cent, Jewel's sellout album, and Yanni's greatest hits). I bought gifts for friends with them, stocked up on old cd's, basically had more free cd's than I knew what to do with. They don't give me these offers anymore, but that's because my account isn't in "good standing" anymore. I'm sick of getting "featured selections" that I don't ask for so as soon as that's taken care of, I'm sending for my last 2 free cd's and quitting.
Doubleday Book Club sucks! their book selection is so garbage. It's all those books which I call "Supermarket books." In the book aisle of Stop and Shop, you see a copy of all the latest from Danielle Steele, Dean Koontz, Mary Higgins Clark. I'm sorry, I just can't take an author seriously when they put out 10 books a year. I've read their work, and I've never been impressed. In their "African American fiction" section, it's 10 or 12 books, 50% of which are Zane, who I really cannot stand. I actually joined the book club, bought books by Zane, Eric Jerome Dickey and Omar Tyree to start, and discovered I can't stand any of them. I joined the club thinking I'd found a cheap way to buy my classics, and so far it's hardly the case. Not even a little the case. They have 10 books in the "classics" section, three of which are by J.R.R. Tolkien, 3 I've never heard of, and the others I either own or am not interested in. Yet I'm still obligated to them because I haven't fulfilled my contract. AND they send me books off their "featured selections" list if I don't respond in time. bodajfodsaj fuck this damn book club bullshit.
So I think I have to buy 2 books at full club price or whatever it is just to get out of my damn contract. One of those I'll make The DaVinci Code. I cannot express to you how little interest I have in that book. I just remember that's everyone's default book. They say, "Oh Tianna, you read? You HAVE to read The DaVinci Code. It'll have you on the edge of your seat!" I have no idea if it's true. The storyline doesn't interest me at all, the unnecessary controversy surrounding it didn't help spark an interest. It's like the overexposed celebrity of books to me. I wasn't really that interested to begin with, but all of the hype built up around it officially turned me off.
ugh this day is so annoying. Julio is in and out of the office, yet rather than leave a message, people feel the need to sit on the phone tying up my line and yelling about shit that has nothing to do with me. Arch nemesis must be out too, because some broad started yelling at me about his shit. she said she was going to call Channel 3 News because he didn't pick up his phone and that when he's out of the office no one is there to cover for him. It's not like he was on vacation, he's out to lunch or something. So i told her to knock herself out. "Breaking news! The events coordinator doesn't pick up the phone on his lunch break in the Mayor's Office! Details at 5, 6, and 11!" dumb bitch
it's dumb bitch day. tell a friend. feel free to act like a dumb bitch. it must be in style like big hats and espadrilles.