Oct 25, 2009 18:41
If you've been wondering where TMLC has run off to, well, let me tell you! I've pulled down all of the perfumes that had copyrighted images on them. Bad Rhiannon, I know. And I know that was a short-lived shop opening, but I feel that riding on the shirttails of popular childhood stories isn't the claim to fame I'm looking for. I'd like to make a name for myself, on my own steam.
This causes a slight problem with all of the oils I've created so far for The Neverending Story, The Princess Bride, The Last Unicorn, and The Secret Garden (and a few others that I haven't released yet, *wink, wink*). Instead of just tossing out all of the hard work and money I've invested into what I've created already, I've reprinted the labels without images and will be re-listing all of the scents under the "Discontinued" category. I will sell all of the stock I have and will not be producing any more. On a slightly positive note, there are a few scents that hadn't been released yet, but oh yes, they've been created, so they will be immediately released to the Discontinued category. It's like my own little straight-to-video enterprise. Sad, really.
But (and OH YES, there is a BIG BUT) there is something amazing on the horizon for The Misery/Love Co. I promise! For those few in-the-know, you know what I mean, you know? SO AWESOME. It's going to take a little while to get the brand new "real" line up and running because of the process, but it's in the works. In the meantime, please stay tuned as I add all of the discontinued scents to the Etsy shop. I will make a post when they're all ready to go.
the misery/love co