Bittersweet Veracity Ch.5

Jul 25, 2008 12:28

Title: Bittersweet Veracity
Chapters: 5/??
Author: ♡『rubymoon021』
Genre: Romance, drama, angst, AU
Warnings: Language, yaoi, tons of drama *____*
Rating: PG-13 (for now…)
Pairings: Ruki/Uruha, Uruha/Aoi, Shou/Aoi, Miyavi/Kai
Summary: For every smile, there’s a tear shed. Who knew falling in love could be so disastrous? Certainly not Uruha.
Note: I got inspired by j-dramas, so you might notice a lot of similarities. Also, this is my first ever fanfic so don't be too harsh >w<
Disclaimer: This is pure fiction, all I own is the storyline; the j-rockers in this story own themselves <3

Links | Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |


Standing in front of the gates, a nervous shudder ran down Uruha’s body. Were they at the right address? The place looked so amazing. Suddenly Uruha got that feeling again. It felt like he shouldn’t be here, like he didn’t belong there. Next to him, he heard Kai gasp as he whispered out “Wow.”

Kai nudged Uruha and grinned, the excitement clearly showing on his face.  “I can tell this is going to be great! Come on, let’s go in.” Uruha said nothing but merely followed his friend. Once they were inside, he felt glad, since the outside weather was getting colder and his outfit didn’t exactly keep him warm.

They walked through the crowd of people, and Uruha felt glad that he had bought the outfit, since he seemed to blend in perfectly even though no one else had a similar outfit to his. Though everyone was dressed flashy and over the top, there was still a certain degree of elegance to them, the type of elegance Uruha had always wanted, but never thought he would have.

Finally they seemed to be halfway across the gigantic room, being careful not to bump into one of the many waitresses serving cocktails and appetizers. Uruha paused to grab one of the drinks, recognizing it was the same one he usually serves at work. Draining the glass in one gulp, he started to feel a bit more comfortable, placing the glass down on another waitress’ tray.

“Uru-chan, look!” came Kai’s voice. “I see Aoi, Jui, Tora, Ruki and-” his friend let out what could be classified as a squeal, “Miyavi!” Uruha chuckled at the lovestruck look returning to Kai’s face. They made their way over to the group of people, all dressed in outfits that made them look like princes, except for Miyavi. He looked like an exact replica of Jack Sparrow, but with a lip ring and a smirk on his face.

Miyavi greeted Kai and together they disappeared off to the dance floor. Tora followed them, after greeting Uruha and introducing him to Jui. Ruki, Aoi, and Uruha were left there, standing and avoiding looking at each other. Uruha felt like he needed another drink, so he took another glass of cocktail from the waitress, this time drinking it slowly so he won’t look weird in front of Aoi.

After what seemed like an eternity, Aoi finally spoke up, even though it had been barely a minute. “Uruha, you look amazing tonight.” Uruha grinned and nodded. “Thank you, I think you look pretty amazing too.” They were interrupted as everyone stopped talking for a moment. Shou appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed in red, looking like a million bucks. Uruha thought to himself, it possibly could have cost a million bucks.

“Thank you all for coming here, to my twenty sixth birthday party.” All the people cheered, and those with drinks raised their glasses. “I hope you’ll enjoy the party, cause I know I will.” Another cheer followed, as Shou slowly made his way down the stairs with a dazzling smile.

Uruha stared at the tall guy as he approached, not realizing his mouth was somewhat hanging open in awe.  “Ah, I’m guessing you’re Uruha. It’s finally nice to meet you, I’m Shou.” Shou offered a hand, and Uruha took it and shook it, still somewhat dazed.

Aoi smiled to Shou and they strolled to the dance floor to join the rest of the people. Uruha secretly wished that Aoi would smile at him like that, not just in a warm way, but with a meaning behind it. It wasn’t going to happen anytime soon though, so Uruha sighed and leaned against the table, now taking a third glass of cocktail from a waiter..

He was surprised to say the least when he heard Ruki’s voice behind him, since Uruha had almost forgotten that the blond was still there. “I heard Tora paid for your outfit. Figures that a commoner like you couldn’t even afford a simple outfit for a party.” Uruha almost threw down the glass he was holding, but he had more self control.

“And what does it matter to you?” Uruha snapped back. He turned around and faced Ruki, his anger flaring up as it only did when he was around the blond. “Not everyone has the world handed to them on a silver platter like you.” Ruki sneered at Uruha as he adjusted the ring on his right hand.

“If I were you, I’d be watching that pretty little mouth of yours, or it could get you into trouble.” Uruha rolled his eyes and walked away. Seeing a couple of people walk up the stairs, he decided to go upstairs as well. He would find Kai later. However, his eyes grew with astonishment as he realized that Ruki had followed him.

“Are you even listening to me?” Ruki asked, his annoyance showing in his tone. Uruha answered “What, not used to having people not beg for your mercy or kissing up to you?” Uruha needed some way to get away from the blond. Seeing a room nearby, he opened the handle and walked inside, expecting to slam the door in Ruki’s face when he saw Ruki stick his foot in, not letting the door shut.

Ruki walked in after Uruha and let the door close, looking down at his shoes. “That’s another pair of shoes you’ve ruined. At this rate, you’re gonna owe me more money than you’ll ever have in your lifetime.” Uruha tilted his head back and let out an exasperated groan, walking back to the door. “Why are you such a jerk?!” He didn’t expect an answer to his question as he tried to turn the door handle.

With a sinking feeling in his stomach, he realized the door was locked. He tried to turn the handle again, nothing. Uruha looked around the handle for any keyholes or knobs or things that could open the door, but he found none. He sighed and tried to open the door a couple more times. “But it was open when I came in…” he muttered.

Ruki’s head turned to the direction of the door as his face revealed a stunned expression. “What do you mean?” He shoved Uruha away and tried to open the handle. When he couldn’t, he kicked the door in frustration, but still nothing happened. The music from the lower floor seemed to be seeping in through the space around the door, and Uruha swore under his breath.

“Of all the people to get stuck with, I get stuck in a locked room with you” Uruha said, looking around for something to sit on. He spotted the bed and sank down onto it. “Yeah, this is just great. You think I wanted to get stuck with you?” Ruki answered, and Uruha felt the bed lower a bit as Ruki sat down on the other side.

Ruki examined his shoes again, noticing the tip of it had wrinkled slightly. “I blame this on you. And now my shoes are even more damaged!” Uruha turned around and glared at Ruki, biting on his lip to release some of his frustration. “Is that all you ever care about? Your shoes? You have enough money to buy another one anyway, so stop complaining.” Uruha sighed and shook his head, turning back around to face the door again.

“Is that seriously all you think about?” Uruha asked. There was a pause, in which the music could be heard, the bass reverberating off the walls. “No…” came a reply from Ruki. “I think about other stuff.” His voice had lost its usual aggressive tone. “Like the fact that I have to learn to handle responsibility. Or learning to deal with so much attention I get at school just because I’m rich.”

Another pause, and the song downstairs had changed into a softer one. “As well as thinking up of ways I could get you to leave the school.” Uruha snorted at that one, though he could feel his anger disappear a bit. “And also…” Uruha felt the bed shift again as he felt Ruki move so they were sitting next to each other. Ruki’s voice was scarcely above a whisper as he said “I’ve been thinking about that kiss.”

Uruha’s heart skipped a beat as he felt all his anger escape and the temperature in the room seemed to rise. Ruki continued on, tilting his head to face Uruha. “I’ve been thinking… I didn’t get enough of that kiss last time.” Maybe it was just the drinks getting to him, but Uruha didn’t stop Ruki as the blond reached out a hand and caressed Uruha’s face.

Ruki pulled Uruha’s head closer to him with the hand. Uruha stared into Ruki’s eyes, and the bright white contacts the blonde was wearing felt as if they could burn his own eyes out. Their lips brushed across each other’s, as Ruki kissed him gently, growing steadier every moment. Uruha’s breath started to quicken as his head buzzed lightly, his skin tingling with desire for more.

Ruki sucked on Uruha’s bottom lip as their tongues intertwined, all thoughts lost in the heat of the moment. Uruha’s hand instinctively reached up and around Ruki’s neck while Ruki’s fingers played with the strap on Uruha’s shorts, rubbing against the exposed skin of Uruha’s thighs.

As Ruki squeezed Uruha’s thigh, Uruha tried to bite back a moan but let it escape into Ruki’s mouth, his vision hazy as the room felt even hotter. Inclining his head backwards, Uruha let Ruki suck on the skin of his neck, receiving a painful but pleasing sensation when the blonde’s teeth sank into the flesh.

Closing his eyes, Uruha let out fast, sharp gusts of breath while Ruki lowered his mouth down to Uruha’s chest, pulling down on the fabric of his shirt, exposing his warm skin to the already hot atmosphere of the room. Unexpectedly, they heard a gasp of surprise.

Uruha opened his eyes and looked to see Reita standing at the door, his hands still on the handle. Reita’s eyes formed into a furious glare, and if Uruha wasn’t mistaken, there were teardrops forming at the corner of  Reita’s eyes. Ruki looked up as well, just as surprised as Uruha to see Reita standing there.

Reita’s knuckles grew whiter as he held the handle tighter, until he let go and ran down the hallway. Uruha, realizing what had just happened, pulled his hand away from Ruki’s neck as the blonde let go of his grip on Uruha’s shirt. The door was left open, and Uruha headed out the door, with only one thought, to find his friend.

Ruki watched Uruha leave, as he brought his fingertips up to his mouth, wondering if he was going to think about this kiss as much as he thought about the last one.  He knew it would be useless now to try to cover up his adoration for Uruha with torments, all it had done was make Uruha madder at him. Ruki knew exactly what he should do now, and he would go do it as soon as he wished Shou a happy birthday.


Uruha had spent at least half an hour searching through the crowd on the dance floor, until he spotted Miyavi’s pirate costume at a table at the other end of the room. When he made it there, he found Kai along with Miyavi, Tora, Jui, and Shou. When Miyavi smirked and asked what the red mark on his neck was, Uruha blushed and arranged his hair to cover it. They didn’t ask much questions, but asked him to join their table.

After a while, Uruha pulled Kai aside to tell him everything that happened, starting with meeting Aoi at the rooftop and the kiss with Ruki that followed. Kai was astonished at Uruha’s words, but he had no advice to give. “It’s okay Uru-chan, we’ll think up of something. At least, I know you can. You’re always good at solving any problems you’re having. We can worry about this tomorrow morning, ne?” Kai said, offering him a glass of cocktail.

Uruha accepted it eagerly and drank it all, and when he finished it, he had two more glasses. Aoi arrived at their table, eyeing the mark on Uruha’s neck, which had been uncovered again as Uruha was laughing at Miyavi’s jokes, which were hilarious. Aoi took the seat next to Uruha, joining in their drinking contest as they drank more cocktails.

After a few minutes, Uruha excused himself to go to the restroom, Shou excusing himself as well to accompany Uruha. The bathroom was large, with more stalls than the ones at his school. Uruha hadn’t paid attention at that though, he stood in front of the mirror washing his face. Shou, however, stood next to him and watched him. “Uruha-kun” Shou said suddenly.

Uruha looked up. “Hmm?” Shou sighed and thought over the words in his head, not sure how it would come out. “I wanted to ask you, if you could, well, look after Aoi.” Uruha’s face was blank, not knowing how he should respond to this. “He seems to have a liking for you” Shou continued, “and seeing as I’ll be returning to Australia in two days, I want to go knowing that I leave him in good hands.”

Uruha wiped his face with one of the towels and returned it to the rack, tilting his head in some confusion. “I’m not sure what you would mean exactly. I would love to look after Aoi, but doesn’t his friends already kinda have that down?” Shou grinned at him and shook his head. “I mean as in… well, I don’t know exactly. But I think Aoi likes you.”

Uruha forgot to breathe for a second when he heard those words. He gasped for breath, but not too loudly, as he answered “I’m sure you’re mistaken, I don’t think he likes me. In fact, from the way you guys have acted tonight, I would think that he likes you.” Shou grimaced and pursed his lips to the side. “No, I don’t think that’s true. I want you to promise to me though, that you will look after him. Please?”

Opening his mouth, Uruha was about to reply ‘yes’ when he saw Aoi standing at the entrance of the restroom. A hurt expression was taking over his face, and as Shou turned around to see him too, Aoi turned around and left without a word. Shou covered his mouth with his hand as he whispered something, running after the dark haired boy.

Uruha returned to the table and pretended nothing had happened. This was a bit too much for him to handle, and as he accepted what could possibly be his twelfth drink that evening, he didn’t consider the possibility of a huge headache next morning, or what might show up in the mail the next day.


♔Note: Dun-dun-dun. Suspense >D Haha, dunno what to say really. I hope you liked it :3

---> Chapter 6 <---

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