Little Victories

Mar 12, 2008 20:01

Gacked from cluegirl on insanejournal.

We all have our big victory moments. Graduating from school, getting married, buying a new car, whatever. However, sometimes you need to take a second and celebrate the smaller things in life. Therefore, I present a very simple meme. Simply list ten things that you feel can be categorized as one of Life's Little Victories and give a brief explanation for each. Then post it in your journal for people to see and participate in. As a small point of egotism, please list who you got the meme from so we can see how it grows and progresses.

1. I AmJured my IP class last semester. That means I got the highest grade in a class of over 100 people, which is something I never thought I'd be able to do in law school. I also got the Prosser award in a different class, which is the second highest grade.

2. For a pretty long while in my teens, I didn't think I would ever meet someone that I would be sexually attracted to, and finding not just a guy I like but a guy I love is pretty special.

3. Having choices in transportation is really really nice. I'm never going to stop appreciating being able to walk to the grocery store or take the subway downtown and all the other stuff I can do without owning a car. They even have affordable carshare here.

4. I recently discovered a restaurant here that I really like. It's got the hearty kind of food I find really yummy (and good cider) and I will be going back again and again.

5. I'm exercising on a regular basis, which is something I hadn't done since high school.

6. I get such a kick out of reading something in the news and being able to say to myself, I worked on that!

7. I love being able to have a conversation with legal experts and actually know what I'm talking about. I'm expert-y!

8. Weather = win

9. I have a shiny HDTV. And I haven't even made money yet.

10. Despite all the complaining I do, I'm actually really happy with my life right now and the direction it's going, and I wouldn't really want to change anything.


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