Jan 20, 2008 08:39
Oh man I missed a day, but I did get a solid two weeks in there. So, life goes on, as usual. I went up to Ben's on Friday night. We stayed the night. Went to Little Tokyo on Saturday, got lost on the way to LACMA, but made it. I forgot how boring I find museums. We also had McDonald's somewhere in there. Fun times. Then I had my party last night and it was a total of four people. David Thompson of all people, Larry, Carla and myself. Shasta never made it despite promises to come. Apparently her Grandma went to the hospital and she had to watch Tara's kids. I might try to visit her today. I have tons of laundry to do. I can't make it to laundry day. Also, I might call cl boy. I haven't seen him in over a week. Apparently he was being anti social this week. My co-worker Christy says he sounds like he is on his guy period. Ha ha. That's wonderful. Why do I only date chicks? Working is so chill. I am going to make 200 bucks this upcoming week and I am going to need every penny of it. I need to save more, pay LA Workout, pay overdraft fees, etc. Something tells me I am going to need even more money.
little tokyo,