This seems ill advised, and yet, I am compelled...

Jun 01, 2003 16:44

You can blame tdj for this one. I read his an had to do one for myself. =D

1. What three smells evoke a strong emotional response in you, and why? (e.g. food, perfume...)

1) The smell of a burning campfire, I suppose. There's something about it that just smells...warm. Comfortable somehow. Strange, seeing as I never went camping much as a youth....

2) The smell of funnel cakes cooking. =) It is the ONE scent that without fail makes me remember old country fairs, with the ferris wheel and the tilt-o-whirl. The smell of funnel cakes equates to fun in my mind.

3)The smell of ionized air right before a big big storm, in the calm. When the winds are soft, but you can tell that in a few minutes... I don't know. There's just a sort of POTENTIAL in the air. One that you can feel, smell...almost touch.

2. What three specific sounds do you really love, and why? If you can't explain why, don't worry.

1) Irrepressibly cute female Japanese voice acting. (Sorry, tdj. =P)

2) The sound of waves crashing against the beach at oceanside. It's difficult to even think of something more relaxing than listening to the world breathe that way.

3)The sound of my mother's voice. It's strange, but true. When she wants to, a mother can soothe any pain. It's part of the heavenly design, I suppose.

3. What three specific sounds do you absolutely hate, and why? If you can't explain why, don't worry.

1) GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY, the sound of a screaming child, especially one between the ages of birth and three years old. Drives me absolutely INSANE. x.x There's something about that particular pitch that sets off every nerve in your teeth, and flays your concentration alive. I am firmly convinced that if there is a Dante's Inferno, my fate in hell is to be stuck in a room full of screaming children for all eternity.

2) Dentist's drill. Ugh. Nuff said. Anyone who's ever heard one of these things can explain it to you, because I'm not. I don't want to even re-create it in my head TO explain.

3) The sound of someone crying in pain or sadness. This is different from the sound of a young child crying, immeasurably so. I instinctively want to reach out to these people, comfort them, heal their wounds. And perhaps that's why I can't stand the sound of young children crying. For the young ones, I can't help. They can't articulate what's wrong yet...and it makes me feel helpless.

4. Name three of your guilty pleasures and why you enjoy them. ("Just because" is acceptable.)

1) Long evenings playing Everquest or Roleplaying with friends when I KNOW darned skippy that I have other things that I'm supposed to be doing, responsibilities to fulfill. Hey, everyone needs a break sometimes. =P

2) Godiva Double Chocolate ice cream. Mmmm. God help me, I'm going to gain another two waist sizes. 6.6;;;;

3) Fantasies about things that simply CANNOT be. I'm fairly grounded in reality, mind you...but I've been watching anime WAY WAY too long...and sometimes the mind wanders. Thankfully, I've been able to resist the impulse to write self-insertion fanfiction SO FAR. o/~ Dun Dun Dun.... o/~ =P

5. Name three of your guilty displeasures (i.e. things you feel bad for not liking) and why you dislike them. ("Just because" is acceptable.)

1) Only thing I can think of right now, is the above dislike of crying children. It makes me worried that I'm going to make a lousy father. x.x

6. You're famous! A toy company wants to make an action figure of you. What three special, unique SUPER-XTREEM ACTION features would it have?

1) TIRELESS ANIME WATCHING AND VIDEO GAME ABILITY! (The figure has the ability to go without sleep for three days straight so he can see Sephiroth die horribly in FF7) =P And this follows into...

2) XTREEM DISK CHUCKING ARM! (To chuck said 3rd disk of FF7 out a third story window for 30 yards after seeing the @%$@! ending x.x)

3) CHEESY CLICHE VOICEBOX! (Because I'm a sappy romantic a good chunk of the time and some of the things that come out of my mouth would make you roll your eyes so far back into your head you'd need surgery to get them back where they belong.) XD

7. You wake up one morning to find a time machine crashed in your backyard! Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, you go back in time for a bit of fun. Which three eras/locations do you visit?

1) The 80's. The 80's. The 80's. Errrr....did I mention the 80's? God, I miss those days so bad. x.x Best music, best clothing, a free mentality, to excess. Plus I couldn't resist going to watch myself as a growing kid again. n.n;

2) Bethel, New York, August 15-17, 1969. Woodstock. I would SO love to have been there to see that, to experience it. It's something that had never happened before, and likely will never happen again. I'm told that there was a sense of fellowship bar none that day. 400,000 people loving and living as one.

3) Bethlehem, Circa 0 Anno Dommeni. I am a skeptic. I want to see with my own eyes. I want to know the truth, see the Star myself, behold Christ in His glory. Then perhaps I could bring myself to believe.

8. Optional if too personal: While back in time, you decide to change three things in your own past or in world history. (The grandfather paradox is not in effect.) Which three things do you change, and why?

1) 1994. Go back. Stop self from entering military. Push self to go into college instead. Protect my hearing and my knee from being wrecked into oblivion.

2) 1997. Marietta, Georgia. Terrill Mill road. Pull a certain person back when his bicycle lost control and went out into traffic. I miss you, Robert.

3) January 27, 1986. Go back with intensive video reports and schematics showing the faulty O-ring in the space shuttle Challenger, and the result of what would happen if the Challenger flew the next day. Why? Why this, you might ask, instead of going back and killing Hitler, or saving the World Trade Center on Sept. 11? After Challenger, NASA's budget was sliced, and the government went all paranoid about space travel. If the Challenger hadn't detonated, perhaps we'd be on Mars right now. The 80's was a time of GREAT improvements. The Cold War was on, and the battle for space hadn't been finished yet. And that one incident set us so far back for so many years....

Welllll....that's that. n.n Feel free to comment, as you wish. =)
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