Apr 01, 2019 21:08
I can't bring myself to set up a new blog somewhere else because simply put, I don't have time to look into them all and I'm feeling apathetic about it at best. So back to a free account I go.
Anyway, my home gym has been delivered to the local pick up area. I will grab it tomorrow. Meanwhile the barbell, dumbells, and weights were ready at the end of last week. So for the first time in a year, I got to lift weights this weekend. I'm concentrating on HIIT cardio and compound moves for the sake of time and to hurry and recover my body. Everything hurts. Hurts so good! My cardio stamina is so pathetic, but I am not as weak as I expected. So I have high hopes. Anyway, it just feels good to be doing it. FINALLY. So check another box. I'm doing the things I said I would do once we moved. I really need to get the craft room done so I can get onto other projects. But otherwise, I'm on schedule. I may not be able to walk tomorrow, but I'm on my way.
Also, I think American Gods is suffering in Season 2 from fillers. If things don't start looking up soon I'm just going to canel Starz. GoT is starting up again soon, anyway. I can spend my rare and precious tv time rewatching some key episodes.
OMG have I mentioned my thighs hurt?
fitness journey