D'aww...Ronon being all cranky and gruff but bringing John sandwiches anyway.... *happy sigh*
And bringing in Ava?! That was totally unexpected, but a really neat idea.
I love that you've brought Landry and everyone from the IOA and Dr. Lee. This is totally reading like an episode- one of the really good epic two-parter ones, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
I love cranky, gruff Ronon. Like in "Search and Rescue" when John is trying to place the C4 and Ronon says, "You don't have to do everything yourself," and grabs it from John. LOL! It's how guys show they really care. (G)
Thanks! I hope the next chapter will be up early next week, but we'll see. I have to work Saturday and Sunday. I think John actually liked Ava. She did save his life. I thought Poole would have a back-up for his files, and programming Ava seemed like something he would do.
Dr. Lee is fun to write. He's such a counterpoint to Rodney. Just a regular, but extremely smart, guy. And he loves Lord of the Rings and World of Warcraft which just cracks me up!
Cool, Ava's back! I loved how hard John fought to save her in "Outcasts," especially given everything he's been through with replicators.
And I second the "awwww!" on gruff, grumbly, concerned Ronon. *melts* So sweet!
Lee's a great character, isn't he? I remember him trying to explain the Twilight Bark from 101 Dalmatians, then, realizing he's in a room full of nerds, goes immediately over to the series of fire-lightings in LotR. lol! And the camera when he and Sam gate to that planet. he's a hoot!
And, geez, somebody should take a stick to the IOA. Jerks …
Thank you, I'm glad it's working! I have no clue what's going to happen in Chapter 4. I hope a good night's sleep (with pleasant John/Ronon dreams) will restore the muse to working order!
Comments 8
And bringing in Ava?! That was totally unexpected, but a really neat idea.
I love that you've brought Landry and everyone from the IOA and Dr. Lee. This is totally reading like an episode- one of the really good epic two-parter ones, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks! I hope the next chapter will be up early next week, but we'll see. I have to work Saturday and Sunday. I think John actually liked Ava. She did save his life. I thought Poole would have a back-up for his files, and programming Ava seemed like something he would do.
Dr. Lee is fun to write. He's such a counterpoint to Rodney. Just a regular, but extremely smart, guy. And he loves Lord of the Rings and World of Warcraft which just cracks me up!
Elizabeth being all girlie was wonderful. You could practically see her squirming.
And I second the "awwww!" on gruff, grumbly, concerned Ronon. *melts* So sweet!
Lee's a great character, isn't he? I remember him trying to explain the Twilight Bark from 101 Dalmatians, then, realizing he's in a room full of nerds, goes immediately over to the series of fire-lightings in LotR. lol! And the camera when he and Sam gate to that planet. he's a hoot!
And, geez, somebody should take a stick to the IOA. Jerks …
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