My sister summed it up, "There was too much 'family' in this family movie, and not enough Joe." It was a very pedestrian script, and whoever wrote it, sure didn't to their research on Ohio laws. And there was one HUGE error at the end that a social worker would NEVER make, and still keep her job.
Joe, however, was lovely. Very fit and handsome. His character was too sweet. He needed a bit of that snarky charm of John Sheppard. You can see, particularly in the first picture, that he still has that military way of carrying himself. The script didn't test his acting ability. It was pretty bland.
I can sum it up like this ... I only watched it for Joe, and I kept looking for good screen caps instead of paying attention to the movie. I did have to smile because it was supposed to be set in Ohio -- and I lived in Toronto, so I kept seeing things that were so Toronto, and so not Ohio! The exterior of their house looked like the houses on the street where I lived.
The kids weren't bad, and neither was Brooke White, but I really didn't like the script. Not a chuckle or a joke in the whole movie. It was like the writers were afraid that humor would offend their viewers.
Joe loveliness
And because I had to have Joe in jeans ...
Suit!Porn ... and a John Sheppard expression