Jul 08, 2017 20:38

My previous entry is friends-only because only people who are already my friends will be concerned that as of January 2018 every single picture in every single one of my posts will be replaced by a Photobucket advertisement... but everyone should know if you don't already, because you're going to start seeing it really soon. And if you've got pictures on Photobucket and you're using a free account... better go get them now, if you still can.

Photobucket decided to add a small note in their terms of service that they would no longer support 3rd-party hosting except for their top-tier account, which is $400 per year. Those who use the free service are seeing their embedded images disappear already. Those with paid accounts, like me, apparently have till January before all of our images are shut down.

Some people with free accounts can't even access their images to back them up... all they can see it Photobucket's demand that if you want your pictures back, you owe them $400.

And if you don't want every link in every post you've ever done using Photobucket to disappear, whether it was a month ago or ten years ago or all the posts in between, you owe them $400.

Don't want to pay $400?

You're out of luck.

There will be no grandfathering. Old posts won't be spared.

This is being widely referred to as holding users for ransom. If you don't want to hear it from me, see these articles:

BuzzFeed "Photobucket holding people's images for ransom"

NBC News: Photobucket jacking up the costs of your ebay and Amazon listings

CSO: Photobucket replaces images with ransom demand

New York Post: Photobucket shaking down its users

Digital Trends: Photobucket "goes nuclear" on users

TNW: Photobucket demonstrates how NOT to treat your users

Just for reference.

Most of my posts are friends-only but I'm making this one public, so please point people in this direction so they know what happens when Amazon, ebay, and lots and lots of blogs start losing their pictures.



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