my favorite sound you make

Apr 02, 2009 01:21

guess who is now totally in love with pandora's like it KNOWS me man!!!

So,long overdue update.I am settling nicely into Clark House and I am working all the fucking time....but I am intensely happy.I have been trying to stay out of the bars,because I am tired of only meeting people who are in "impressive" mode.I mean,when you go out,you are trying to impress people,but it just stands to reason that you never see anything real out of someone when they are drunk in a room full of drunk people that they are probably thinking of bedding.I don't mind tying one on with friends that I can talk shit and laugh with in bars,or picking up someone to go home with,but as far as actual socializing goes,I have been going to visit people and meeting people in the oddest places.I have to say that you get a much more accurate first impression of someone when they are in the library in their "lahas" than in the bar in slut's my social experiment of the month.

Spring is making me feel like I am on alive overdrive.I took a little trip out to teh woods to see the sunset over the river this evening and I swear,the scent of the wisteria was intoxicating.The trees are budding to there is this wild overlay of lime green on all these bare trees and the dogwoods all going nuts blooming their asses off and being so amazingly visible through all the other trees trying to catch up.The river was huge,like magestically huge from the runoff from all the storms that have been sweeping thru the country and I suppose it won't be long before it overtakes the road to the boat dock.The moon was gorgeous.

Alright,enough going on and on about spring and drunk people,I gotta put my ass in to my peoples.
good night
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