My Graduation (everything but)

Jun 08, 2004 21:15

So much has happened since the last time I posted! Every night I have been so exhausted that I fall asleep thinking "perhaps I should post about this ....zzzzz".

I could talk about the fact that I finally moved into the avocado. I could talk about my graduation which was a deeply moving experience full of symbolism and the culmination of four years of toil, suffering and devotion. I could describe the gala events that followed graduation for the next several days.

I could even ignore all that has happened in my life and give my opinions on prisoner of azkeban, an excellent movie.

Instead I have decided to torment you by telling you about a shitty movie, which I saw today after an afternoon of apartment hunting with Cassie in which we saw several lovely one bedrooms with large closets all of which had been advertised as two bedrooms.

That shitty movie was, of course, The Day After Tomorrow. The special effects were gorgeous but the plot, oh no, the plot.
Dennis Quaid wanders up the Eastern seaboard looking for his son, risking life and limb when, if he had waited one more day, he would have been able to search for him in relative safety.
Jake Gyllenhall gets wet and has to find dry clothes, thus causing us to feel a sense of tragic loss not because the Earth will be covered in ice for the next several hundred years, but because the hero will be covered in coats for the rest of the movie.
My personal favorite, as a recently sworn in physician, was when his love interest appeared to have contracted sepsis from a cut on her leg despite having the immune system of an otherwise healthy 17 year old. Yes, I know, it's Hudson River water, but C'MON! All this with Cassie yelling "AMPUTATE! AMPUUTAAATE!" Never mind that amputation doesn't cure sepsis. She wanted to see limbs cut off, and she wanted to see it NOW.
Of course we are reminded multiple times to be nice to the environment but not actually in any specific way, so that the movie seems to leave with the moral that it is better to stay in Manhattan whenever possible. Live in a borough, you are screwed.

Also, I would just like to say that advertising an apartment as a 2 bedroom and then telling us when we arrive that actually one resident would have to walk through the bedroom of the other resident IN ORDER TO GET TO THE BATHROOM is like taking out an ad for free hot sex and then revealing that it is actually sex with that homeless guy with the one gigantic dreadlock.
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