New Year's Eve

Jan 05, 2004 20:33

Yes, I am still alive. I just have not been on lj or email for a long time as working and studying and interviewing is like having three full time jobs. Things are getting better as I can now shirk at least one of those jobs and soon perhaps two.

New Year's Eve was wonderful. I would list all of the lj users there, but, well, everyone there had an lj so it would be a really long list and since most of the rest have probably done it I will just be lazy and use names.

Holly and Theo did up the Black Abode in fairy glamour, with an upside-down tree and multiple martini options. Clio wore a peacock feather in her hair and looked totally 20's. Ali wore red velvet and Cassie wore blue velvet and Josh wore a pink feather boa (well, briefly). Elle and Eric and I were in Renfaire garb. Ivy wore flannel but agreed to be my squire (huzzah!). Val made it there although devoid of Emily due to tragic mishap at the Amtrack Scoreboard. Holly's family showed up dressed to the nines for champagne. Lurien smoked elfinly on the back porch. Steve was there sans glitter but took off early. Several other lovely and wonderful people were there whose names escape me now because I had drunk several flirtinis before they arrived.

An excellent time all around. Somewhere I have a picture of Holly sticking out her tongue which looks EXACTLY like one of those guys from the ancient metal band KISS.

And I got presents!

Stuff I got:
the first of the Hellsing manga from Josh, who got only a shirt from me with the words "on thin ice" on it. Hehehe. And the title of World's Leading Be-otch is mine again...
Hellsing wall scroll from Ali. Sensing a Hellsing theme here? Yes, oh yes.
a small ceramic box shaped like a coffin with a tiny vampire painted inside from Holly. More vampires!
a shirt from Theo that says "i used to care but now i take a pill for that" and a shower curtain for the lesbian love pad
totally cool pjs and travel lunchbox hot cocoa from Clio
a pink and silver feather boa from Ivy
and, of course, Cassandra gave me porn.

Actually, it is Venus and Tannhauser, a "long suppressed masterpiece of erotic elegance", by the famously gay Aubrey Beardsley, who turns out not to be gay (who knew?).
It is simultaneously the most high-brow and the most low-brow thing I have ever read.
You need a French-to-English dictionary just to be able to understand what is going on in most scenes and then, when you finally do understand, you are completely squicked.
The more academic you are the dirtier this book will seem, so that someone with a PhD in French Lit. would think it was hard core XXX, but if you gave it to his "I prefer magazines" neighbor he might come away with the impression that Tannhauser went to a party at this lady's house, and she might have been naked.

The best thing about the book, however, is that Beardsley intended it to be a novel in which Tannhauser eventually repents of his sinful ways and finds religion, but Beardsley died of consumption before he was able to write the "repentance" part so that it really is just the sinful ways with absolutely no moral or apology attached awkwardly at the end at all. Which is just great. Read it at your peril.
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