Due to our impending move to Dreamwidth APPLICATIONS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED. Applications currently out for revision may still be submitted for review. Applications will be open once more when the game reopens on Dreamwidth on JANUARY 26, 2012.
✗ Applications are processed weekly, every Saturday.
✗ Before applying, please read the FAQ and Rules pages.
✗ Please submit your app with the journal you plan to use if you have one made already. If not, another journal is fine, but we prefer your intended journal.
✗ Please Title your application as { [FANDOM or FANDOM OC]CHARACTER NAME || Series Title || reserve/noreserve || X of X }
✗ IMPORTANT: Our application form was edited on Sunday, October 22, 2011. Please use the revised form.
✗ If you are looking for an example of what an application should be like, please refer to the application
here for an example of a canon character application, and
here for an original character application.
✗Fandom Application
PLAYERName:Personal Journal:E-mail:AIM/MSN/etc: CHARACTERName: First, Last (Western order)
Canon: Name only.
Timeline: At which point of the canon were they taken from?
If playing another character from the same canon, how will you deal with this?: This is only to be used if are already playing another character from the canon you are applying for. For example, if you are apping Mario and you already play Princess Peach in the game,
how will you handle their interactions without playercesting? Depending on your answer, you may be refused the character you are apping for.
Personality: We are expecting at least THREE well-written paragraphs minimum, with references to canon examples of your character’s personality. Please provide us with insight to your character and their behaviour, as well as your understanding of them.
First Person: This is the format that will be used in rubycity_rp. Commonly known as bracket spam, it is usually third person present tense. We are expecting a well-written sample, at the MINIMUM eight sentences.
Third Person: This is the format that will be used in rubycity_logs. This sample will be in third-person past tense, at least three well-written paragraphs, 3-4 sentences per paragraph, which will show your understanding of your character, how they think, feel, react, etcetera.
✗Fandom OC Application
PLAYERName:Personal Journal:E-mail:AIM/MSN/etc: CHARACTERCharacter Name: First, Last (Western order)
Canon: Name only
Timeline: At which point in the canon were they taken from?
If playing another character from the same canon, how will you deal with this?: This is only to be used if are already playing another character from the canon you are applying for. For example, if you are apping Mario and you already play Princess Peach in the game,
how will you handle their interactions without playercesting? Depending on your answer, you may be refused the character you are apping for.
Personality: This should be self explanatory. 3 well-written paragraphs minimum, please describe your characters’ personality.
History: Three well-written paragraphs minimum, detail our your characters’ history.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Your characters’ strengths and weaknesses, which may include physical, psychological and emotional.
Abilities: These should be in line with Canon abilities of Canon Characters.
Relationships to Canon Characters: If any, if not applicable please put N/A.
First Person: This is the format that will be used in rubycity_rp. Commonly known as bracket spam, it is usually third person present tense. We are expecting a well-written sample, at the MINIMUM eight sentences.
Third Person: This is the format that will be used in rubycity_logs. This sample will be in third-person past tense, at least three well-written paragraphs, 3-4 sentences per paragraph, which will show your understanding of your character.
✗OC Application
PLAYERName:Personal Journal:E-mail:AIM/MSN/etc: CHARACTERName: First, Last. (Western order)
Age: Real / Apparent, if applicable
Appearance: The sorts of things included in this section should be the character’s height, build, clothing style, hair, accessories. As well as their general posture and mannerisms as well, like quirks or vocal tics.
Chosen PB: First come, first serve. Please check the taken PB page. You are also welcome to use your own or commissioned art, or icons that do not depict your characters face but facets of their personality as well.
Personality: This should be self explanatory. However, when discussing personality please include why they have particular personality traits, how this effects their lives and interactions. The minimum will be three well-written paragraphs, but you should be able to write more.
World Information: Please go as in depth as you can about the world. There is no wiki or website for us to reference, and we need to know as much as we can about the place your character comes from so that we can understand the character when reviewing the application.
History: Your characters’ history in their world. Be sure to be detailed. This section should be a minimum of three paragraphs.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Your characters’ strengths and weaknesses, which may include physical, psychological and emotional.
Abilities: These should be in line with canon abilities of canon characters.
First Person: This is the format that will be used in rubycity_rp. Commonly known as bracket spam, it is usually third person present tense. We are expecting a well-written sample, at the MINIMUM eight sentences.
Third Person: This is the format that will be used in rubycity_logs. This sample will be in third-person past tense, at least three well-written paragraphs, 3-4 sentences per paragraph, which will show your understanding of your character.