NPC Profiles

Oct 09, 2010 23:27

The Interloper
Apparent Age:
Mid 20's

6'4", black hair, silver eyes with slitted pupils

Sadomasochist to a fault, he enjoys torture both mental and physical. Very playful as well, will do just about anything to get a laugh. Short attention span at times and has the tendency to act very childish. He likes old works of Shakespeare and philosophers. And also enjoys painting and bird watching.




The Watcher
Apparent Age:
Mid 20's

6'4", black hair, silver eyes with slitted pupils

Always calm, it's very hard to get him to lose his temper. He enjoys watching social interactions, be it between races or other such creatures who aren't used to being around each other much. A scientist to a fault, experiments and knowledge are things most important to him. Though he's fiercely protective of his younger brother above all else, and most of his actions are as directed by Belial. He's cold and indifferent, not caring for much or having too much humanity about him in general. But he does take pity on those now and then, especially if they catch his interest. Rarely does he take charge or give orders, preferring to sit back and watch events unfold, but will do so if he sees necessary. Reading is his favorite hobby.




Temper Vale
Apparent Age:

Temper is rather average, the sort of person one would easily pass by in a crowd without a second look. His dark brown hair is kept relatively short. His eyes are his one remarkable feature, a bright, piercing blue, especially set against his pale complexion. He's on the taller side of average height, just shy of 5'11" or so. At first glance, there is nothing at all intimidating about him. But that particular observation falls to pieces after a few minutes in his presence. Perhaps it's something about how he holds himself, a quiet sense of confidence that seems to be unshakable. His face is most often schooled into a calm mask, his expressions very subdued, often just shadows of themselves.

Temper is meticulous in his choice of clothing, well-dressed, but also tending to blend into the general trends of the setting he finds himself in. This said, he is very fastidious and neat in his outfits, and will choose more formal clothes rather than opting for more casual styles.

The main feature to watch out for with Temper is his voice. Though he tends to speak quietly, there is an undeniable power, a compelling tone to his voice. It is smooth and musical and very easy to listen to, a soothing tenor. Of course, this may all have something to do with one of his main abilities being focused through his voice.

Temper appears at first glance to be extremely calm and terribly polite. It is very rare for him to visibly lose his temper or show anything more than brief annoyance. Even his more positive emotions tend to be subdued. He is very difficult to rattle; even interruptions to his carefully laid plans are typically dealt with without much more than a brief pause and a mental adjustment. Much of this is a carefully held facade; control is exceptionally important to him -- control of things, others, situations, but most crucially, control of himself.

Beneath this tranquil veneer, however, Temper does not hesitate in actions that others may consider cruel. He sees the world as little more than something to be studied, to be judged for how it can fit into his purposes. The concepts of affection and attachment are largely alien to him; he feels at least some connection and protectiveness to the other members of his "clan." Tim he trusts to fulfill his purposes with efficiency. Chari he views as troubled and in need of significant guidance. Chassie he regards as the child she is. And Gene, he meets his needling and sarcasm as though he's a reluctant participant in an ongoing battle of wits.

Outside of these ties, he views others only in how they are of interest to him and how they fit the purpose he was created to fulfill. He respects power and intelligence, but even this respect is capable of being pushed aside for the benefit of his curiosity or his greater plans. The fact that others may suffer because of his actions is not a primary concern; on the contrary, it's most likely to amuse him and is sometimes his motivation in general. However, if you manage to get his attention and keep it, he is not not above viewing individuals as pets of a sort and playing favorites. In fact, he can be genuinely pleasant and congenial when given reason.

This said, Temper is quite pleased to have conversations with people who are interesting and capable conversation partners. He enjoys talking, if there is something to speak of, but does not have any tolerance for poor manners. Yelling or insults are typically met with little more than a polite dismissal and an ending of the conversation. But if there is information to be gleaned or emotions to be explored, his attention will almost certainly be held. He is curious by nature, though this curiosity often manifests itself with a childlike disregard for ramifications for others.

Temper does have a sense of humor, though it is quite dark. Outright laughter is rare, but has been known to occur when he's thoroughly enjoying himself. As much as he enjoys inflicting his designs and games on people, he's also happy to sit back and watch people tear themselves apart in the aftermath. He's seen it too often, after all, not to appreciate it as a part of human and often inhuman nature. Just as he can be noticeably happy, he can also experience a dark and very vibrant rage. This is even rarer than the laughter, however, and results in a total loss of the control he so carefully cultivates. It is explosive and dangerous for nearly anyone in the vicinity, friend or foe.




Tim Lear
Apparent Age:

Tim's hair is a platinum blonde, nearly to the point of being white. The almost bleached-looking locks fall in messy, uneven lengths, sometimes falling into his dark gray eyes. Beyond their color, the remarkable thing about Tim's eyes is how focused they always seem to be. His gaze is direct and cold and on occasion, somewhat frenzied and wild.

Though he is rather tall, just over 6' even, Tim's build is almost deceptive. He is lean and rather spindly, but his body is the body of a runner, all coiled muscle and quick reflexes. He's very athletic but not overly large. Tim carries himself with a self-assured manner, though many of his movements are a bit strange, too fluid or not fluid enough, quicker than they need to be. He is not human despite how he appears, and observing him for a length of time will make this very clear.

Tim dresses rather casually, opting for comfort over fashion. Worn-in boots and jeans are often completed by nothing more fancy than a t-shirt. He does not enjoy things that constrict his ability to move or fight.

There is something very off about Tim Lear. Though he obviously functions perfectly fine -- perfectly lethally in most instances -- there is a disconnect between him and what would be termed actual sanity. His reactions are often not what one would expect, and it is not uncommon for him to seem more preoccupied with the discussions in his mind rather than reality as it occurs. Whether or not he actually hears voices speaking to him is a question one would have to ask, but Tim is not really one to engage in pleasant conversation. Something has eaten away at Tim's sanity in the time since his creation. That said, very little gets past him regardless. He acts reflexively and reacts to many stimuli with violence before thought.

Tim is extremely efficient, and does not believe in failure. Under normal circumstances, he operates fairly logically, so long as he is calm. When he is angry, however, he tends to lose control. When fighting he is vicious and remorseless, taking quite a bit of pleasure in the suffering he inflicts. Tim is not afraid to spill blood and actually has a bit of a flair for it. He thrives on the fear of others. To him, people are little more than toys to be played with or broken. When he is fighting, there's an excitement and glee that he is unable to suppress. He legitimately enjoys who he is and what he does, even if parts of his mind are little more than a wasteland, struck barren with ever-changing winds that make him extremely volatile and unstable.

Despite being a bit unbalanced, Tim is quite dedicated. He is protective of the other members of his small clan, especially Temper. However, his motivations are his own. Crossing Tim is a terrible idea; he is vengeful to a frightening degree. He will come back at anyone who has hurt him or those dear to him ten times worse, and will not rest until he sees them suffer.

In quieter times, Tim tends to be a loner. He enjoys the quiet -- there is enough turmoil and commotion in his mind that he appreciates stillness. He enjoys the outdoors and is likely to wander through the park or spend time near the blood-red river, which has caught his eye already. When other people are involved -- even his clan -- Tim seeks out calmer individuals, unconsciously gravitating towards a stability that he lacks.

In general, there is an eeriness to Tim Lear. Speaking to or interacting with him is a bit like walking blind through a minefield, though in this case, the mines are generally hoping to have the opportunity to explode and tear off a limb or two.




Chassie Barrows
Apparent Age:






Chari Landry
Apparent Age:






Gene Jecklin
Apparent Age:

A tall man (about 6", if one were to hazard a guess), more wiry muscle than outright strength or bulkiness. His hair is short and dark (brown bordering on black), sometimes left growing over his forehead, sometimes trimmed back out of the way. Unshaven stubble can be seen on his jaw, though sometimes he gets in the mood for a switch and shaves clean. His eyes are grey, oddly hard and at odds to the smirk or grin he usually wears on his face. Those eyes are the eyes of one who is wearing a mask.

He's often dressed in a neat sweatervest (decorated with dark diamonds over pale grey fabric) over a fancy white dress shirt, buttoned up right to the collar, though with the cuffs left loose about his wrists. His slacks are crisp and quite obviously ironed, shoes polished ever so carefully. Heat has him abandoning dress pants for jeans, sweatervest for just the shirt, with its sleeves rolled up to the crooks of his elbows. He's remarkably unmarked by blemishes or scars, and seems almost too put together.

Well, that? That's on purpose, of course.

Gene's all snark and quick talk, eager for a chance to talk and talk and talk some more. But, of course, never about something someone actually wants to hear about. No, he loves the sound of his own voice and seems to think that everyone should share the same love. But even though he talks and grins and taunts people (taking a particular like from needling them into anger or frustration), never does his tone of voice seem to be honest. Never does it seem any more than...condescending.

Of course, he enjoys those who can talk back, who present a challenge intellectually, who try and wheedle information (most often unsuccessfully) out of him. People who he finds fascinating. His relation with his 'kin'? Well, that's in the dark, at best. He doesn't talk and he doesn't answer others. He seems to observe them all fairly fondly, if not with some bit of disdain. Temper, in particular, seems to be a target of his for needling and taunting, trying to coax out reactions by any means possible.

That's what he's all about. Reactions. It doesn't matter what they are, he just wants to see them. Why? Well. That's his little secret.

Oddly, though, he seems not to possess the same sort of bloodlust as others of his kin, preferring to sit back and watch more amusing chaos. Perhaps it's because he hates getting his hands dirty. Or perhaps there's another reason. Who can say? Little honesty is to be found in those oddly hard eyes of his.




Dil Blackwood
Apparent Age:






Atien Moore
Apparent Age:





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