
Aug 12, 2010 20:39

[The communicator is on and resting on a table in front of him. Gilbert's arms are folded and his head is rested against them, nothing at all visible except his unruly waves of hair. In front of him, a curiously untouched pack of cigarettes. After a moment his head lifts and unhappy golden eyes are able to be seen.]

Stupid things...

[Why... why ( Read more... )

gilbert nightray, c: vietnam, c: naoki kashima, c: axel, c: xion

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[ video ] dawnlotus August 13 2010, 00:57:37 UTC
You wish to quit smoking?


[Video] loyalraven August 13 2010, 01:09:53 UTC
[Golden eyes flicker towards the pocket watch. He nods a bit.] Not so much that I wish to, as that I apparently should.


[ video ] dawnlotus August 13 2010, 01:13:30 UTC
It helps relaxes, yes, but in the long run, it is a health risk.

You're not going to stop smoking immediately, though, are you? The withdrawals would be hard to deal with.


[Video] loyalraven August 13 2010, 01:19:58 UTC
[Sorry, forgive the flat look that Gil is giving you right now. He sighs.] Tell me about it. I have some things from the clinic that are supposed to help. [He sighs.] They don't help all that much.


[ video ] dawnlotus August 13 2010, 01:24:19 UTC
[Worry not, she understands! Her people frequently smoked]

What did they give you? Maybe you need something a little stronger for now?


[Video] loyalraven August 13 2010, 01:31:56 UTC
[He's still peeking at the communicator, most of his face hidden in his arms. He does lift his head a bit more.]

These small sticky things. [Not nearly as much fun as cigarettes. Sigh.]

It's... not a problem for me so much, but, something about it affecting the people around you? [He frowns.] That's bothersome.


[ video ] dawnlotus August 13 2010, 01:41:43 UTC
[she tilts her head as she ponders, small sticky things? Oh!]

Patches? Ah, yes, sometimes they take some getting used to.

Oh I see, passive smoking. They breathe in the smoke from your cigarette, so it's almost like they're smoking too. It's fine for them if one smokes away from people though.


[Video] loyalraven August 13 2010, 01:49:05 UTC
[He nods. Yes. Those.]

Hmm. I suppose that's true... [Uhoh, now the wheels in his head are turning.]


[ video ] dawnlotus August 13 2010, 01:58:33 UTC
[Oh no, what has she done? Too bad this is a little bit normal.]

It shouldn't be too bad, no? That way you can relax a little and quit at your own pace [if at all].

I am Vietnam, by the way, what is your name?


[Video] loyalraven August 13 2010, 02:08:48 UTC
[Oh man now he's all sorts of torn. Hmm. So much to think about. That means the pack's not getting thrown out is what that means.]

It's an option.

[A pause.]

Gilbert Nightray. It's nice to meet you.


[ video ] dawnlotus August 13 2010, 13:22:06 UTC
I wish you luck! [no really, she knows, it's tough]

It is nice to meet you too, Gilbert Nightray. How long have you been here?


[Video] loyalraven August 13 2010, 16:13:32 UTC
Thank you. [Heaven knows he'll need it.]

It's been a couple months now, I believe.


[Video] dawnlotus August 13 2010, 16:15:57 UTC
You're welcome. [At least the others are supporting him much more violently!]

Goodness, how is life here?


[Video] loyalraven August 13 2010, 16:23:48 UTC
[How is life here, huh? He considers the question for a minute before glancing away sheepishly.]

It's... really not that bad. [Golden eyes flicker back towards the communicator.] The monster infestation was problematic. But for me, the people I care about most are here. And safe. And I've met...


[Video] dawnlotus August 13 2010, 16:26:25 UTC
Oh? [She sits up now he's looking a little sheepish; seems like things are about to get interesting.]

Monsters can be fought. It's nice that you are able to have people you care for, your loved ones here, hmm? [did she select those words on purpose? It was just a hunch]


[Video] loyalraven August 13 2010, 16:34:09 UTC
[He blinks at the words. Oh... ah... no yeah, here he goes turning a deep shade of pink despite himself. Why would words like that get him flustered?] Ah... yes. It's... very nice.


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