03 -- VIDEO / Private to Oz

Aug 05, 2010 20:48

So we've got a ball coming up now...?

[Alice doesn't exactly sound all that excited about things. In fact, one can easily hear the tone of suspicion laced in her voice.]

What kind of place is this?! First monster attacks, and then masquerade balls...?

[She seems to be a bit put out by the prospect, too.]

...nnnngh. And it's in a few days, too... whose idea was it to spring this on us?

[Despite her angry tone, she seems a bit curious about the ball... okay, scratch that. She's totally curious about it. Very much so. Even though she tries to hide it.]

Well... hmph. At least it'll be better than having to fight monsters again, or even stay cooped up in the seaweed head's apartment...

[There's a thoughtful pause followed by some baleful muttering before she cuts off the feed -- seems like she's up to something...]

[ Private :: Fail!Locked to Oz ]

Hey. Oz. Uh... look, I'm not good at this, so I'm just going to ask. Not as your master or you my manservant or anything, but... augh! YOu know what I mean!

Do you... er, do you want to go to the ball with me?

(( OOC: ...yeah, even with her best efforts she fails at keeping stuff private. Feel free to fluster her about her question to Oz? lol ))

alice, c: gilbert nightray, c: naoki kashima

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