Jan 17, 2012 00:11
[Rapunzel gathers up her hair and takes a couple steps forward, eyes scanning across the train station. She's barefooted, pretty cold right now and there's a flicker of fear there. But she's trying to remain calm... Oh, she'd love to have her frying pan right now! Boy would she love her frying pan.]
W-where am I? What was that thing??
[This doesn't look anything like the woods around her tower, or Corona. And there are funny looking candles everywhere, burning too brightly.]
[And her voice echos. That's kind of creepy. She swallows hard and looks around, foot kicking the watch as it skitters. She actually yelps when she hears it clack against the wall, her feet too cold already to have really felt it.]
[Oh no! Eugene had been hurt! Mother-- No, Gothel had stabbed him! What was she going to do?? Tripping over her hair, she runs to the edge of the station and yells after the train for it to come back. Rapunzel even stands there for a few minutes after the train vanishes from sight before rubbing at her eyes. How was she supposed to save Flynn now? What if Gothel finished killing him because Rapunzel had disappeared?!]
flynn rider,