[ video ]

Dec 20, 2011 10:53

[It had taken longer than Ieyasu had hoped it would to cross through that snowstorm, considering the lack of a Gundam robotic retainer, though somehow he had, taking shelter in the first door he had been able to clearly see. Besides, he's faced worse while on the battlefield. Granted most of them didn't include heavy snowstorms but there had been no point to actually staying at the train station during such.

And unknowingly, most likely either by holding the device too tightly or through wonderful technology mishaps, the feed itself seemingly started partway through his trek, with the most of the view obscured, if not cutting out here and there.

It takes him a moment or two before moving once more; the hand not holding the communicator raised to push back his hood and brush off whatever snow still clung to his clothes. The one holding it follows suit, giving a brief flash of yellow before going dark as it turns the device over as if inspecting it.]

Such an interesting yet equally strange device.

[Another turnover, bringing the owner's face into view finally even though he's no longer looking at the device in question. In fact, he's diverted his attention to his surroundings. One Sengoku era guy in a modern-like library? Yep. He's a bit interested in it all before he glances back at the entrance. Cue a heavy sigh and some semi-audible muttering.]

No point in looking for him in this weather.

[And no way he's going to be able to find anything about where he is in it either. Though maybe some of those oddly bound not!scrolls would hold some kind of information? It'd be somewhere to start at least. Shortly after the unspoken decision, the device is being placed on one of the tables before he starts browsing one of the shelves.

The feed finally idles out as he returns with one of the books, determined to at least keep himself busy for the time being even if this one doesn't hold any answers to the main question running through his mind.]

ieyasu tokugawa

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