[Alice's watch opens, showing her in bed. Her eyes are closed and her breathing steady. With a sudden grimace, her eyes open. Sitting up and rubbing at them, she looks around in confusion.]
[There's a moment before she fully wakes up. Looking around again and nodding slowly in understanding, Alice sighs.]
"Oh.. Yes. Right."
Read more... )
[Could it be?]
I don't suppose your name is Alice, is it?
You seem rather young to these eyes. Do you live alone?
[At least, that's what girls did when he was little.]
[Rubbing at her eyes, she continues.]
It was a very odd dream. She spoke- not in meows or purring, but actual words. She kept telling me that I could have some tea and tarts if I wished, but there wasn't any tea around.
[Her lips curl into a faint smile.]
It was quite funny, now that I think about it. But also very confusing. How can I accept more of something that isn't there?
[He smirked.]
Although, one could say when all you have is nothing, there is plenty to go around. A seemingly illogical statement isn't always illogical. Merely clever in it's wording.
[Tapping her fingers against the bed thoughtfully, she remarks.] It wasn't anyone I've seen. I don't think.. He seemed to know me, which was quite strange.
[ooc- She's talking about the mad hatter. XD Who she hasn't met, but pft, dream logic.]
It could be a dream about someone you haven't met yet, or some strange interpretation of someone you've already met.
[ooc- dream logic. making you wake up in a confused daze since forever.]
[Alice thinks about that and then nods.] It could be- it was still confusing. But if I meet whoever it is, I can say that it's nice to meet them again! That should be great- [Suddenly, she yawns.] Ah, please excuse me! That should be great fun, I would think.
[ooc- It's funny because it's true. XD!]
Don't worry about it. You've just woken up, after all. [He does chuckle at her little idea.] That would be interesting, I think. A friendship that starts with a dream.
[Alice smiles at his next statement.] I think that's very nice. A little odd, to be certain, but nice. [A beat and then she smiles] We should be friends! It won't be the same as meeting in a dream- unless this is a dream, of course.. But if it is, it's somewhat plain..
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