[2nd Video of Awesomeness]

Dec 11, 2011 15:03

[Guess who is swigging a beer during this video? He is. In addition to that his hair and face are all dirty.]

Before anyone complains, I deserved that beer. I've been working my ass off the last few days.

[Yes, this one is especially directed towards his baby brother. He takes another swig from his beer before he looks at the camera again.]

Anyone happened to see a yellow ball of fluff with wings somewhere? I've been looking for it since I got here but there's no sign of it.

[Filtered to Liechtenstein; HACKABLE]

Get ready, you know what for. Just tell me where you want to meet me Mäuschen.

c: liechtenstein, prussia, c: souji seta, c: kanetsugu naoe

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