XXVIII. [Video]

Dec 04, 2011 16:50

Hey guys! How we all doing?

[The boy flashes one of his practically trademarked lopsided grins.]

Was a little crazy a couple of weeks ago, but looks like things have gone back to normal- or at least whatever passes for normal around here. I don't wanna assume, but here's hopin' that everyone's all right.

I'm guessin' yer okay too, Gene-guy?

Oh yeah! Almost forgot- since we got a lotta new people! Name's Sieg! Welcome to Ruby City. Weather's gettin' colder so if you need any help settlin' in or finding anything, don't hesitate to ask, okay? That isn't limited to the newcomers, of course.

Uh...also, if people don't mind checkin' in here so I have an idea of who all's still around. Haven't heard from some in a while, so I'm hoping that if anything, they've gone home and aren't lost in the catacombs or something...

I think that's it for now! [Salute!]

c: germany (satw), sieg, c: lazlo, c: ryunosuke ibuki

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