001 - [Video]

Nov 27, 2011 22:52

[The communicator clicks on to display the face of what looks to be a 12-year-old boy. With red eyes and fangs. His voice is young, but there's an underlying growl to it as though he's barely restraining himself from outright shouting into the device.]

All right, listen up!

[A girl's voice from behind him adds:] Please!

I couldn't care less what the story is behind this place. All I want to know from you lot is who I have to kill to get out of here.

Laharl-san! You might not have to kill anything!

[This time the camera jostles a little bit to show a glimpse of the blonde with equally red eyes leaning over his shoulder.]

I did last time! Anyway it'll be faster.

What Laharl-san means to say is, if anyone can tell us if there's any way home, please?

[And Laharl hmphs, but doesn't add anything more before turning off the feed.]

((Blue text is Laharl, red is Flonne~ Edit: And feel free to ignore posting order, derp.))

c: liechtenstein, laharl, c: sieg, flonne, c: flonne

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