☂ 001 | Action & Video

Nov 27, 2011 10:18

[Stepping off the train, his bag in hand, Souji blinks when he looks around the unfamiliar station. He'd fallen asleep during the ride, but...

Did he sleep past his stop?

He looks around for someone to ask, but spots no one, and then runs a hand through his hair as he sighs, turning to get back on the train-- If he just stays on long enough he should eventually get to an end station, right?]

... Ah.

[Just then the train starts to leave and he takes a few steps after it, before stopping and a bit frustrated, reaches into his pocket to retrieve his cellphone. He kind of has to call his parents now that this has happened, though he doubts they'll be happy. Reaching in though, what he pulls back out is a watch, not a cellphone.]

Hm? [He inspects it... No... It's not his. He opens it, and kind of pokes it, before turning it over... How did this even get into his pocket in the first place? He's completely oblivious to the fact that it's transmitting.]

souji seta, c: liechtenstein, c: prussia

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