
Nov 20, 2011 14:08

[So to his merit, Lin didn't freak out at the tremors, and he didn't freak out the first time he caught the scent of something strange, something inhuman and distinctly dangerous (call it instinct). Going out was probably the Wrong Thing To Do, though.

Because he does freak when, during one of his flights through the city, he finds himself victim of a pair of grasping hands and a snapping mouth from a space between buildings. He squawks, startled, flies up higher and lands on the nearby edge of a building's flat roof.

Changes from macaw to human in order to fumble the communicator on. His voice is shrill with surprise and fear as he looks down anxiously at the zombie,]

What is that?! It tried to grab me! And bite me!

[Pause, and he practically whines,] I don't want to be eaten!

c: tomoe himura, c: kanon shizeno, c: alphonse elric, lin

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