29th Rainfall - [Video]

Nov 20, 2011 00:08

Armor on, everyone, if you have it. I don't want to take any chances. Zombies are a big enough problem, we don't want anyone from our order becoming one of them. I'd also like to ask that we start a routine patrol while those things are out and about. Help anyone that needs it, escort people to safety or the clinic. And try to stay airborne. If you can't form a Glider, then I can teach you.

Terra, Ven, you guys know how to form Gliders. If anyone comes asking, would you give them a hand?
[To everyone else in the city]

Welcome to everyone that's just arrived. I am Master Aqua. I'm going to recommend that you stay indoors unless you are combat capable! If you can't get somewhere safe or are too scared, do not hesitate to ask for assistance. Somebody will come to help you!

The rest of the city residents, please contact me so we can set up patrol routes. Nobody should be alone at any time unless you're in a secure location.

[What else? What is she forgetting? Because there's always something forgotten.]

Riku, I'm sorry we haven't done much training. We're going to as soon as these zombies are taken care of though. I had been hoping we'd have a semi-peaceful winter. I'm not going to make that mistake again.

c: liechtenstein, aqua

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