[Somehow Tomoe has made it an entire week without the culprit of all of the... oddities becoming apparent. So what does this mean? It means she's eaten another one of those little candies... which she had written off as a small gift from her husband and squirreled away for safe keeping.]
[Much like the other two she doesn't notice the change until well after the fact--and in fact she doesn't really notice anything at all in this case. She just feels... very warm and very happy--bubbly, even... which just doesn't happen to her she's a pretty depressing drunk even so... what's going on here?.]
[Regardless, she is going about the apartment she and Kenshin have been staying in, tidying up and humming at first... and eventually the humming goes into quiet singing. There is definitely something at work here... not that she is aware of it at all.]
[After so long she takes a seat and pulls out the silver watch she'd arrived with, still
quietly singing, and starts tinkering the watch for the first time since that first day--after all up until now the idea of her image being replicated was a rather terrifying concept... but at the moment it seemed quite harmless and downright interesting!]
[She isn't entirely sure when it starts recording her... and she doesn't entirely care either, so have a singing rather happy looking Japanese lady singing away and... obviously distracted by the watch~ FEEL FREE TO LET HER KNOW SHE'S RECORDING HERSELF >_>; or just sing along if you know the words.]
[ooc; lmao even high I can't get her to talk |D She's got a trick (or is it a treat?) that... is basically causing euphoria. lyrics to the song are
here. She's singing in Japanese, but technically... I guess it would be translated? \o.O/ Her singing is not bad! It's not necessarily good either... it just... kind of is. XD;]