
Oct 29, 2011 15:12

[Feliciano groans under the weight of his brother. Letting him ride on his shoulders assauges the guilt he feels for his bruised ribs and twisted ankle, but there is a reason North Italy avoids hard work. Namely, it is hard work. He sucks mindlessly on the piece of candy in his mouth as he listens to Lovino's rant.]

....And for Dio's sake Feli, I... [Thanks to his habit of chewing even hard candies, the effects show up much faster on Lovi. His rant about all of Feli's negative qualities has just taken an... interesting turn.] I think you're a nice person and only mess up by accident. Thanks for carrying me, by the way. [He's confused too, Feli, he's confused too.]

[Feliciano comes to such a sudden stop that he nearly sends Lovino flying. That accident is averted, just barely, but he bites down hard on the candy.] Oh wow, really? You're so sweet, Lovino! You never used to say nice things like that! [Unnoticed by him, the smile turns into a frown.] You never say nice things about me at all. You're just nagging all day long.

I know, I know, I'm sorry... [Lovi snuggles closer to apologize, because it's saddening to see Feli frown at him.]

[He snorts bitterly.] You're always sorry afterwards. It's never kept you from acting the way you want to or repeating your mistakes. If you weren't my brother, I wouldn't bother at all with you.

[Lovi whines at this.] But I'm really sorry this time! I know I'm usually mean, but I don't want you to get upset... [Is that him talking?]

[Feliciano gives another snort, a derisive one.] That's what you say all the time, too. I expect you're next going to promise me that you'll change?

Now you're being mean... [Lovi tries to press himself closer to Feli, hoping that will help him calm down.] Please don't yell at me, Feli...

It'll do you good, tasting some of your own medicine... [Feliciano grumbles to himself. He shrugs Lovi's closeness off as well as he can without dislodging him.] Don't act like we're still together.

[Lovi whines louder and leans his head against the back of Feli's.] That's... that's mean... [That hurt him. He'd much rather have Feli dump him on the ground than say stuff like that.] Please calm down, Feli...

[Feli stiffens very aware that Lovi is doing the exact opposite of what he told him to and not amused.] I'm calm. I'm just irritated with your whiny and pushy behaviour. And with your presumptions. I'm being nice to you because I injured you and owe you. It means nothing.

Don't say stuff like that! [Lovi begins to rub at his eyes, having effectively triggered his pity-gathering instincts.] I'm really, really sorry for upsetting you... P-please, Feli...

[Feli glares at him, irritated by the oncoming tears and all the more by the fact that they affect him at all.] Don't be ridiculous, crying over nothing!

(OOC: Joint post by in-italia (green) and morethanpasta (red). Lovino is on Mary Sunshine candy, Feliciano on Debbie Downer. Either or both will answer you.)

s. italy, n. italy, c: germany

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