
Oct 25, 2011 18:42

[Gilbert is having a bad day. The video feed turns on to him fiddling with the buttons on the side of the communicator. The picture winks in and out off an don for a few minutes. His face reappears, looking hopeful. And then, then the video lurches, showing a spinning view of the ceiling. In the background, a loud THUD can be heard, followed by a ( Read more... )

gilbert nightray

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[video] tsunray October 26 2011, 15:43:17 UTC
[Nevermind the birthday part for now-]

What is wrong with you?


[video] loyalraven October 26 2011, 20:08:38 UTC
[Gilbert blinks. Then flushes.] ...I don't know. I can't stay on my feet today.


[video] ahahhhh i fail so hard. sorry this is late. orz tsunray November 3 2011, 17:35:52 UTC
[Well, seems like Gilbert's physical attributes are catching up with his other fail traits.]

That's embarrassing. [and not just for you, Gilbert.] Why don't you just go sit down for a while, or something?

[He says this like it's the obvious thing to do at a time like this.]


[video] no sorries. my turn for sorries for delays! life got me! loyalraven November 11 2011, 06:02:27 UTC
[Gilbert frowns at that and glances down, rubbing at the back of his neck.] I'm not doing it on purpose... it just. This isn't how things usually go.

[He tried sitting. The chair tipped back. He doesn't want to talk about it.]


[video] tsunray November 15 2011, 18:56:41 UTC
Well, obviously, only an idiot would fall over on purpose.

[Oh... but... Gilbert is an idiot]

So then, whats the plan for monday? You just want us showing up at your house?


[video] loyalraven November 16 2011, 19:39:59 UTC
[...Gilbert knows what you're thinking, Elliot. And he's trying his best not to look like he's pouting. Because he is a grown man. It's sort of working.]

Mm. I think that's the best plan. Around lunchtime. Jack is going to help me get Naoki out of the house for a bit to set up.

[A pause.] In general, you should come over more often. [Hear him?]


[video] tsunray November 16 2011, 20:07:23 UTC
[Yeah. Because apparently Gilbert needs someone around to keep him from completely failing 24/7]

Hm. What do you have to set up?


[video] loyalraven November 16 2011, 20:10:12 UTC
There'll be a cake already made. And some decorations that I'd like to hang. A few other snacks. And then it's mostly just getting people over and waiting without Naoki being around to notice. [Therefore, a surprise.]


[video] tsunray November 16 2011, 20:30:15 UTC
Will you uh, need help with anything?

[Not that he's too terribly interested in setting things up for Naoki, more like he's worried about Gilbert, especially with his new found... or not so new found, clumsiness.]


[video] loyalraven November 16 2011, 23:11:45 UTC
[Gilbert can't help but look a bit surprised.] Are... are you offering?


[video] tsunray November 17 2011, 01:33:00 UTC

Yes. I'm offering. What's it sound like?


[video] loyalraven November 17 2011, 05:38:02 UTC
[Gilbert blinks again.]

Well... then, I'd like that. [He would. He would like to see Elliot more in general, after all.]


[video] tsunray November 17 2011, 06:01:30 UTC
Alright then, it's settled.

[A brief pause as he contemplates...]

Try not to hurt yourself in the meantime. Since you'll need to make it to Monday in one piece.


[video] loyalraven November 17 2011, 06:04:11 UTC
[Gilbert blinks a bit, tries not to flush and nods.] I'll do my best.

[A pause.] Thank you.


[video] tsunray November 17 2011, 20:13:51 UTC
[Tch. No need to thank him bro. He hasn't done anything yet.]

There's also ... [Okayyy backing out now. It doesn't feel like the right time to discuss this, yet.] Nevermind. See you Monday.



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