Oct 25, 2011 10:18
well betw33n that strange, possessed hive
and now, these odd ailments people s33m to be suffering
i'm beginning to s33 what was meant when i have b33n told of how our captors like to experiment with us.
this, however, is the furst first time i have b33n subjected to anything myself. i find i have lost my ability to speak. it is quite disconcerting, but if i understood correctly these things have a tendency to come and go, yes? i hope no one has found themselves in a condition that compromises their safety. if that is the case please do not hesitate to let me know so that i may be of assistance to you in anyway i can be.
that aside, i have b33n perusing the library these past w33ks. i have learned some very interesting information about other words, but alas nothing about the one we currently occupy. i have a vague f33ling that if there ever was anything in there that might give us some clue or more information to this world, that it has b33n disposed of. still, there is much to learn so i am still determined to get through the entire library.
i would very much be interested in writing something myself. something a bit more thorough to accompany the pamphlets and posters at the station for newcomers, so for those of you who have b33n here a significant amount of time, i would like to ask questions of you.
the disciple,