[audio -> video/action if anyone wishes for that]

Oct 23, 2011 22:58

[The clicking of heels, faint and semi-fading as they may be, can be heard. As well as the sound of the communicator being turned over, as if it were being inspected. Shortly after, the sound of it opening and, unknown to Lottie, the video option has turned on giving a view of crimson red and gold for a brief moment before it's held up a bit higher to give a better view of the one holding it.

A look of confusion, amusement, and a slight hint of worry crosses her face.]

Seems like they don't make watches the same way everywhere.

[Because let's face it. A pocket watch that doesn't have an actual clock inside? That's definitely a strange thing.

A sigh, followed by her finally stopping and lowering the device once more. While she's seen stranger places, this one was definitely up there in levels of strange. Though she at least knew for certain she was nowhere near Pandora. And she had to admit that the lack of the rest of the Baskervilles, as well as Barma, worried her some. They had been in the same place at the same time, and yet she was the only one that seemed to get placed on that train.

Silence for a moment or two before she began moving once more. Hope no one minds seeing some darkness for a bit, as that communicator is being placed somewhere inside the cloak she currently had on. There really was no use for her to be standing around if she wished to get to the bottom of this.]

c: gilbert nightray, c: jack vessalius

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