Oct 22, 2011 17:54
[Lin is looking a bit underdressed for the weather. Cool as it is becoming. He himself shivers faintly, drawing back from the communicator once it's on. He doesn't address his own attire, nope, he has more important things in mind. Behind him are the buildings of the city, though he's stopped his wanderings for the moment.
After a moment, cheerfully--]
Samhain is coming up pretty soon, I think. At least it feels like it's soon. And it's really important! [He cocks his head slightly to one side, birdlike.] I mean--any gods probably wouldn't wanna show up in this place 'cause of the humans and stuff...er, no offence. They're just picky like that, or so the elders said. [A little sheepish grin to the feed.] But! It'd be only right to have a big fire or something just in case they decided to anyway.
[He pauses to shiver and sneeze.] Not like I ever saw one before... [He snuffles, rubs his finger under his nose with a squinting of dark eyes. Seems like this particular member of the fey folk is an eensy bit under the weather. Not full-on sickness, but enough for it to be an annoyance.]
It sure is cold here, not like home at all. Dunno how people stand it. [Complain, complain. He at least seems to have gotten over his unsure attitude when it comes to addressing humans, at the very least. Speaking of humans, he has a message for a particular one,] Lavi, I'm gonna stay in the library until it gets warmer, okay? Okay.
[Not how you ask for things, Lin. With a bounce to his step (maybe an attempt to get warm), he turns off the communicator.]
c: gwendolyn chant,
c: kou,
c: stray