✙ XVII ✙ [Video]

Oct 15, 2011 17:33

[The feed clicks on to reveal Switzerland's face, his expression pale and drawn despite the rapidly healing wounds.]


There are cracks under the city. I saw them, when I was in the catacombs. Cracks in the walls, huge ones that weren't there before, and there were tremors.


[The screen goes dark, but not before the viewer can see ( Read more... )

switzerland, c: naoki kashima

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[Video] weaponsofwords October 16 2011, 04:57:43 UTC
[This is Lavi's surprised face.]

...like an earthquake? I don't remember feeling anything up here.

That doesn't sound like a good sign, Vash.


[Video] neutralbyforce October 17 2011, 15:50:09 UTC
The tremors I felt were small, even that deep underground. I suspect they won’t be felt on the surface… at least not until they grow stronger.

[With a deep breath, Vash forces himself to admit to what he’s been worrying over.]

Lavi, I’m afraid they’re changing the city… Power has certainly been taken by the seven once-visitors. It may be that they are trying to wipe all trace of the Watcher and Interloper from this place so they can begin anew. I don’t know what that means for us as their playthings, but it can’t be good.

Of course, this is all speculation. I don’t have any actual proof…


[Video] weaponsofwords October 17 2011, 16:18:22 UTC
That could be a problem they do.

[Lavi listens to the next part silently. He looks a bit thoughtful.] That sounds pretty plausible. And... heh. No, you're right. Probably can't be good. But that's pretty standard here.

Well, speculation or not, it's good to at least consider the possibilities. Being blind sided kind of sucks.


[Video] neutralbyforce October 19 2011, 17:06:51 UTC
((OOC: There is a joke in there about Lavi being able to be blind sided only on his right side...))

Being prepared is never a bad thing. I assume there are books about earthquakes in the library, or at least ones about being able to survive them... That might be the place to start.


Re: [Video] weaponsofwords October 20 2011, 03:33:57 UTC
((ooc: poor Lavi. easily ambushed and lacking in depth perception.))

Not a bad idea. I'll pull what I can find from the shelves. There's got to be something about it.


[Video] neutralbyforce October 23 2011, 18:11:23 UTC
[Vash nods.]

Would you mind stopping by once you do so? I'll be at my house as is the usual thing these days-- we can go over the books and take notes.


[Video] weaponsofwords October 24 2011, 05:04:00 UTC
Not at all. Let's say tomorrow afternoon? [He should be able to find a few good literary leads before then.]


[Video] Do you wanna just skip to Lavi arriving tomorrow? neutralbyforce October 26 2011, 01:35:51 UTC
Sounds good. I'll look forward to seeing you then.


sure!! 8DDD [Action] weaponsofwords October 26 2011, 06:36:19 UTC
[Let's call it tomorrow. Lavi has an armful of books in hand and he makes his way to Vash's place easily enough. He hesitates at the door just long enough to shift the books to one arm, the other hand lifting to knock on the door.]


[Action] neutralbyforce October 29 2011, 17:38:10 UTC
[Vash himself opens the door, having been sitting at the window and keeping an eye out. He's been allowed downstairs! It's a small miracle, really. His right arm is in a sling and bandages still adorn his person, but on the whole he looks much better than in previous weeks.] Hey, Lavi. That's quite an armful you have. [He'd offer to help, but... well. Slings are not productive to such things, and 02 will kill him if he removes it, so. Vash steps aside to make room for the Bookman to come in.]


[Action] weaponsofwords October 29 2011, 19:57:21 UTC
Well you know me, [He answers cheerfully as he steps inside.] I like to be thorough. Hopefully this'll give us something to start on anyway.

So how're you feeling? It's good to see you up and about like a real life alive person.


neutralbyforce October 29 2011, 20:47:08 UTC
It's good to be allowed out of bed, I'll give you that. [Vash gives his guest a warm smile.] 202 and Lili are wonderful nurses, but I think they think I'm made of glass, how much they coddle me. [It's not because no one should ever survive the injuries he had, nope.]

[He leads the way to the back room he's claimed as a kind of study area, nodding for Lavi to set the books down and take a seat.] Thorough is good. I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who claims to have "Bookman" as a title. [Vash must be feeling better, he's trying to make bad jokes again.]


weaponsofwords October 29 2011, 20:54:09 UTC
[Lavi grins a bit at that.] Well, I think it means they care. [See, now Lavi is used to people living through things no one should be able to live through. But exorcists are an odd bunch, and Allen and Kanda are unique especially. But for now he moves to set the books down and plops himself in a chair.]

Heh. I try to live up to the affiliation every now and then. But this is what I could find on seismology. A bit on paleoseismology, little bit on vulcanism and geology just for good measure.


neutralbyforce October 31 2011, 22:49:18 UTC
...Vulcanism? [Vash stares hard at the Bookman.] Lavi, please tell me you don't believe there is a volcano somewhere around here.

[He settles into a comfortable armchair and begins to rifle through the books. Lavi has done a thorough job; more than thorough, one could even say "obsessive". But that had been what Vash was counting on.]


weaponsofwords November 2 2011, 17:36:17 UTC
Earthquakes and volcanic activity are often linked. And you never know. [Though the bookman hoped that volcanoes were something that they wouldn't have to deal with here. Heaven knows they had enough problems.] But that does seem unlikely.

Hell, if things are being shaken up in this place, it may not even be anything at all natural.


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