[Video / Action]

Oct 13, 2011 05:02

[Like many others, Allen has become aware of the haunted house. For the most part however, he's managed to avoid wandering into its halls so far. At least, until tonight. It's still far from dawn, the moon still hangs brightly in the sky, but Allen is outside rather than curled up in bed. The exorcist exhales a puff of air, visible only because of the night's temperature. He hugs himself, rubbing his arms vigorusly as he walks through the city towards the haunted mansion. He eventually lifts his hands to cup them around his mouth.]



[A sigh.] Tim... why did you have to wander off tonight? [He rolls his eyes lightly, a good humored expression filtering onto his face just as he catches sight of the mischievous yellow golem.]

Timcanpy! [He frowns, breaking into a run after the golem as it flutters away into the mansion ahead, disappearing into the darkness inside. Allen follows shortly after, the heels of his shoes clicking loudly on the linoleum floor of the building. Frowning, he stage whispers Tim's name again.]

Timcanpy! Come back here! [He grunts in agitation, before letting his eyes wander around the large room he's found himself in. His expression shifts to mild fascination as he gazes over the furniture, paintings and other decorations inside. How long had this place been here? He slowly makes his way up the stairs, his eyes fixed on portraits of people that line the walls. At first, he doesn't recognize anyone.]

It must have been here to begin with... [He knows this isn't true, but the house's influence has started to work. He slows down at a particular picture, his fingertips brushing against the glass that separates them from the image of a familiar redhead and two other familiar dark haired figures.] ....what....?

[he frowns, taking one step and then another to the next picture. The picture displays the same three people, but their bodies are prone, lying twisted and bent unnaturally in a dark pool of something. The sight makes Allen';s heart catch in his throat. There's no way that these people could be his friends. Even as he ponders this, he catches sight of a figure in the background, mostly obscured by mist, and a dark black hood. He clenches his fists, his eyes darting up to the top of the stairs before he continues his ascent. He tries hard to ignore the feeling in his stomach the pictures have left.]

Timcanpy, you better stop hiding! Or i'll toss you in a bag and lock you in a closet! [Empty threats. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the watch, a movement easily switching it to video.] This house is strange... I wonder why no one's really paid it much mind until now... [He reaches the top of the stairs, only to be greeted by a large canvas painting of the same figure in the photograph from before. His eyes widen, pupils constricting as he stares back into an identical pair of light gray eyes. His grip is lost on the communicator, and it clatters to the ground, the video clearly showing Allen, and the picture he's staring at. The figures features are distinctly sinister, a knowing smirk gracing the pale man's lips. The reason for the dark color of his clothes is apparent now, every inch is nearly soaked in blood as he forever maniacally grins out at the viewer. Allen stares at the image of himself in horror, just as the canvas begins to warp.

The figure's head begins to struggle to gain volume, and then his shoulders. More of the other Allen emerges from the painting until it is taking it's first steps toward the white haired boy. Allen struggles mentally to move, but can't, his form frozen in place. The communicator continues to broadcast the events, recording for everyone to see. The other Allen sets his hands on Allen's shoulders and leans in. His skin tone is much darker in contrast to Allen himself, his eyes a golden hue. As he lean forwards he whispers, just loud enough for the communicator to hear]

You're going to kill everyone you love. I promise. [Allen seems to pale, as the other boy laughs hoarsely. The specter moves quickly, shoving Allen forcefully down the flight of stairs before the exorcist has time to react. The sound of shattering glass is heard off screen as the ghost darts unnaturally quickly to the communicator screen, his wide golden eyes and hoarse laugh the last thing broadcast before the feed shuts off completely.]

[[ooc: I realize having a video chat with this post is going to be hard, but if you managed to read all of it you know that Allen's currently at the bottom of a rather large flight of stairs, likely unconscious. I would love it if someone would like to come play rescue, but attempts to contact him will work as well!!]]

c: cross marian, c: france, !event, moyashi

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