video, action

Oct 11, 2011 23:00

So, this is what they have come up with this time, besides that silly festival and those monsters. This house is quite intriguing, and I'm sure there are_ Hm?
Ah, Cat! Finally, there you are!! [She runs up to the young blond boy smiling]] I missed you, my dear little brother!

[He just gazes stonily at her before pushing her away] Shove off!

What are you doing? Aren't you happy to see me again?

I know the truth about you, Gwendolen. I know what you have been doing to me.

[Her smile fades] W-What are you talking about?

All my life, you have been using me! You hid my lives, you stole my powers! You were part of these really evil plans, and you were even planning to kill me!

I-I was doing it to protect you!

Liar! You've never cared about anyone but yourself! I stayed by your side, even those who supported you, but you always put us down! You've hurt us! Even Mum and Dad! But you've never cared. You're a horrid girl. Chrestomanci was right about you. Well it's over. I'm not going to let you push me around anymore! I'm taking it back!

[She's very shaken, at this, but tries not to let it get to her, not to much avail] Cat! F-fine! If that's how you want it you little twerp! I_ [Before she could blast any spells, a faded painting flies off the wall and knocks her down.
She looks up fearfully and screams as he stands over her, preparing his own powerful spell towards her]

gwendolen chant

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