
Oct 09, 2011 21:35

[The pocketwatch feed comes on suddenly, fixed on a less-than-pleased face, lips pursed in the beginning of a rather sardonic expression. He's figured out that what he has in his hand is a communicator, he just doesn't know who he's communicating with.] I'd like to know whose idea of a joke this is. Because I'm not really seeing the punchline.

[A ( Read more... )

c: samantha carter, c: janice rand, c: aqua, leonard mccoy, c: Elizabeθ Buckley, c: spock

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[Action][Visual] vulcancommander October 10 2011, 06:29:32 UTC
[Spock had his watch open to stream various communications while he relaxed in the library, reading up on technological advances through the early 1900s when a very familiar voice with an equally familiar face. Leonard H. McCoy. The book closed with a soft thud with a sprinkle of dust as he got to his feet. A new arrival, and one he knew. He and Janice weren't alone here now. He clicked his own feed to stream, keeping his face as neutral.]

I am surprised you are aware of the definition of 'quaint' with a bedside manner such as yours, Doctor. You are correct in assuming that the Enterprise doesn't make any stops at railway stations.

[He's already on the move, heading out of the library with his communicator in his hand and fixated on his face as he walks outside and onto the street, heading in the direction of the train station.]


[Action][Visual] damn_it_man October 10 2011, 06:38:55 UTC
[He's been warned informed Spock was here. Doesn't stop his lips from pressing to a sour little line.]

I'm well aware of the definition, and if you're here, then it's definitely not a quaint place at all.

[...aww, Spock. Coming to play welcome wagon? Gives McCoy all the warm fuzzies. Really.] So what's the logical explanation of this place? Because I'm not hearing much that makes sense.


[Action][Visual] vulcancommander October 10 2011, 06:48:01 UTC
[He turns a corner, eyes not focusing on the screen as he walks and makes sure not to walk into anything as he does so.] By the laws of logic of the dimension that the Enterprise is in, this place is not logical. There are...captors here, that keep is within this city and morph areas to whatever they see fit. They pull people in and out of this dimension at will, and it seems that you have been chosen as someone they are interested in, along with the other numerous occupants of this city.

[His quick footsteps could probably be heard from the alley that leads to the train station, the same alley he had be Anya at when he first arrived before he is visible, still in his uniform that he has managed to keep somewhat intact, though there are tears here and there from his adventure in Jurassic Park.]


Re: [Action][Visual] damn_it_man October 10 2011, 06:59:04 UTC
I'm so flattered. [There's not enough sarcasm in the world for this situation.] I've heard the captors bit. Makes me feel like a chess piece, and I don't particularly care for it.

[And here is where McCoy is sure he can hear rather purposeful footsteps, so he straightens up a bit, anticipating Spock's arrival.]

((ooc: Spock's Adventure in Jurassic Park sounds like the best awful fanfic EVER))


Re: [Action][Visual] vulcancommander October 10 2011, 07:09:47 UTC
[The comparison to the chess is logical, and Spock can agree that he doesn't like the feeling of it either. This was not what he signed up for when he enlisted into Starfleet.

He clears the alley and walks over to the train station's platform, looking as neutral and logical as ever, with some dust here and there.] I will state that it is satisfactory to see someone else from our universe and/or dimension as it would be, Doctor.

[ooc: damn that does sound like a terrible fic. XD]


[Action][Visual] damn_it_man October 10 2011, 07:15:11 UTC
[McCoy looks at him flatly. Yup. It's Spock all right.] Now, I'm happy to see you too. There's no need to gush. It's embarrassing.

[All right. He'll put away his sarcasm for the moment.] So there's really no discernible way out?


[Action][Visual] vulcancommander October 10 2011, 07:27:21 UTC
I am hardly 'gushing', doctor. Such a remark is not logical, even within this dimension. You are correct though, from the information I have been given from other citizens that have lived here longer than I have, there is no way out unless the captors will it.

[He clasps his hands behind his back.] We are trapped here.


[Action] damn_it_man October 10 2011, 07:32:38 UTC
[Someday, Spock. He's going to sit you down and draw some sort of diagram to explain sarcasm. Maybe a Venn diagram. Yeah, that sort would work. But he shelves that thought for now.]

Trapped. [He echoes this darkly.] Beautiful. So what do we do while we're trapped here? Aside from looking for a way out.


vulcancommander October 10 2011, 07:37:31 UTC
I have been keeping myself occupied with keeping the library in order, and have taken up residence there, along with exploring the city to better acquaint myself with the layout. I keep away from certain areas, as I have been warned of dangers, such as creatures within the park, along with there also being creatures within the catacombs, which I also stay away from. I doubt the medical facility within the city is ready to treat a Vulcan should I ever need it, so I do not wish to put myself at such a risk for the sake of 'adventure', as the Captain would call it.


damn_it_man October 10 2011, 07:43:45 UTC
[Ah. The anti-Kirk strategy. Somehow McCoy isn't surprised.] Come on now, Mr. Spock. I'll patch you up if it comes to it. I can probably cobble together some green blood with a bit of food coloring.

[He pauses and adds, much more seriously.] Thinking about it, if refrigeration is available, you may think about being your own blood donor, if this place is really that dangerous. I can type human blood well enough if it comes to it, but you're right, your physiology complicates your situation.

Speaking of, what is the medical facility like here?


vulcancommander October 10 2011, 07:49:03 UTC
Food coloring would hardly have any positive effect on my biological system, Doctor. Surely the jump from our dimension to this one has not altered your medical knowledge.

[He focuses on the serious part, because that's easier than deciphering sarcasm.] I believe refrigeration is available, but it would be easier to ask Janice Rand, who knows more of the clinic than I do. I have only been there once, not long after my own arrival. It was then that Janice discovered that our own Nurse Chapel had been sent back to the Enterprise. If there are available ways of doing it though, I would not mind creating blood packets in case an emergency reveals itself that I would need such a thing.


damn_it_man October 10 2011, 07:57:29 UTC
Like ships passing in the night.. [He sighs the words out shaking his head before turning his attention to business again.]

I'd heard Nurse Chapel spent some time here. I'll talk with Janice about it then. If we're here for the long haul, preparation can't hurt. [He's already thinking this through, making a mental inventory of what he'd like to have in an emergency, what he thinks a place that looks like this might actually have to offer and how to bridge the gap between the two.]

How dangerous is this place? You mentioned creatures. But it sounds like they're avoidable.


vulcancommander October 10 2011, 08:03:07 UTC
I have not encountered creatures as of yet that are native to this dimension. I have heard they reside in perhaps the deeper areas of the...forest, I believe. The one instance I did go to the park, the captors of this city had turned it into a Jurassic-era area and the residents that had found themselves within said Jurassic Park were not allowed to leave for one week and two days.

[He glances in the direction he had come from.] If you wish, I may lead you to the clinic, or perhaps somewhere for you to take residence temporarily for the night so that you may rest and prepare for your day tomorrow.


damn_it_man October 10 2011, 08:08:55 UTC
[Wait. Wait wait wait.] Jurassic-era... you mean there were dinosaurs. [Sorry. Give him a moment. The idea of Spock vs. Dinosaurs is threatening to have him cackling. But he's refraining. ...oddly enough picturing Kirk fighting a dinosaur seems pretty believable.]

I suppose it's getting dark. A place to pass the night sounds like a good idea. What's the day/night cycle here? [Twenty-four hours? Bones can only hope.]


vulcancommander October 10 2011, 08:13:42 UTC
Yes, there were dinosaurs. Had I been prepared, I would have recorded my experiences then and there within the park while I was not worrying about being killed. [He can see that look of amusement and he's going to refrain from commenting on it, kthxbai okay thank you goodbye.]

My records show that this realm has the standard twenty four hour time cycle that our own dimension has. You should be pleased, as you are not trapped within the starship in the vacuum of space. [He starts walking, hoping that Leonard would follow.] I know there is a hotel, but I am uncertain if they require a payment of some sort for you to stay there. There is no currency here, but things are provided, like food and water. There is an extra room I made up in the library in case there was another that would wish to take up residence with me. You may stay there for the night if you wish. It is quiet.


damn_it_man October 10 2011, 23:12:33 UTC
[Bones will keep his thoughts about dinosaurs and Spock to himself. For now. Probably.]

Library, huh? [How surprising that's where Spock is just plain living. But McCoy nods in agreement.] Quiet sounds good right about now. I'll take you up on the offer. Thanks


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