o1. ♌ voice / video

Oct 09, 2011 01:19

[A voice feed opens, and for a moment all that can be heard is the sound of fabric rustling, and a light tap, tap of someone fiddling with the communicator. A thoughtful "hum" is heard before it temporarily cuts off, before resuming once again as a video.

The sight of young troll woman appears, with large, green catlike eyes and an expression of utmost curiosity.] So if I do this...

[There is another paused as she looks into the communicator, brow furrowing for a moment and a fang biting down on her lower lip in thought before she looks at it nervously and speaks.]

I would venture to guess that this device is some furm--form of communication. If that is correct, then I would be very appreciative of anyone who might enlighten me as to what is going on. [Her voice is rather quiet, and the look of discomfort hasn't quite left.]

And...pardon if I offend, if anyone could tell me what this other species I find myself amongst is. [She is referring to the humans she has seen about.]

Thank you.

the disciple, c: karkat vantas, c: aradia megido, c: Elizabeθ Buckley

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