✙ XVI ✙ [Video]

Oct 08, 2011 18:58

[When the feed clicks on, at first all that's visible is tangled bed sheets. There's a soft murmur that may or may not have been a curse as the watch is flipped over to reveal a battered and beaten but no longer broken Switzerland. He winces before he speaks, being careful to not draw too deep a breath for his still mending ribs and freshly whole ( Read more... )

c: liechtenstein, switzerland, c: lavi baka usagi, c: lazlo, c: [npc] temper vale, c: naoki kashima, c: n. italy

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[Video] weaponsofwords October 9 2011, 01:27:44 UTC
[Lavi blinks a bit, turning on his communicator and wincing in sympathy at what he sees.] Looks like you've seen better days, Vash. Glad to hear from you again.

[He pauses.] Couple weeks. Did you miss the festival then? And the maze that tried to eat everyone?


[Video] neutralbyforce October 9 2011, 01:43:52 UTC
[Vash manages a small smile at the greeting-- which turns into a blank look at that second part.]

...There was a festival? And a maze? ...A carnivorous maze? ...The last I remember is falling asleep after the housewarming party I threw... Probably a sign that I'm really not the partying type.


[Video] weaponsofwords October 9 2011, 06:44:37 UTC
There was, yeah. Big harvest sort of deal. Most of it was very nice. Except the maze. [A sigh.] The maze wasn't entirely carnivorous itself, just full of things that wanted people dead. And ah, got what it wanted. Luckily, the dead didn't stay dead.

[A pause.] Heh. Maybe not. But how are you doing? Have to admit I was kind of worried when I heard what shape you'd turned up in. Not a good vacation?


[Video] neutralbyforce October 10 2011, 00:17:13 UTC
...The dead didn't...

[Vash winces and rubs his forehead. Okay, really, he shouldn't be all that surprised, but... Well, moving on.]

How am I doing? Well, I'm still breathing and apparently I'm much better than I was, considering I'm awake and talking. As best I can tell... and as best I can remember... is that I was in the Catacombs. I have no idea how I got there, but apparently that's not a rare thing. All the reserves I have for healing got used up, so it's taking quite a bit longer than normal for me to get back in shape. Still, being alive is a good start. And I've had several very good nurses.


[Video] weaponsofwords October 10 2011, 00:42:53 UTC
Yeah it was... an interesting week.

[Lavi listens, cringing just faintly.] Hey, alive is definitely a step in the right direction. Glad to hear you're being taken care of. [A mischievous little grin.] Having a pretty girl around to worry over you never hurts the situation I'm sure.


[Video] neutralbyforce October 11 2011, 23:06:16 UTC
[Have a wide-eyed, startled look from the Nation at the mention of said certain pretty girl, Lavi, followed by a slow blush.]

Wh-what... I mean... [A pause.] Was she really... really that worried?


[Video] weaponsofwords October 11 2011, 23:48:45 UTC
[Lavi grins a little at that.] Well, you were in fairly rough shape. But I'm sure she's relieved your on the mend.


[Video] neutralbyforce October 14 2011, 02:12:53 UTC
[Vash winces a little-- even economic depression hadn't left him this roughed up. The Hapsburgs, maybe... He shakes his head, bringing his mind back to the present.]

I hope she is... How are you though, Lavi? I haven't seen you in a while.


[Video] weaponsofwords October 14 2011, 02:19:47 UTC
[Lavi smiles, shoulders lifting in a brief, sheepish shrug.]

Well you know, keeping busy. Dodging dinosaurs, getting trapped in mazes.

And beyond that, mostly listening. I get the feeling things have been changing, even if I'm not sure how exactly.


[Video] neutralbyforce October 14 2011, 02:26:43 UTC
...Things have changed, Lavi.

[Vash shakes his head.]

The rules of the game have changed... And I can't help but wonder if this trip to the catacombs was because I know that and broadcast it a while back... Or maybe I've gotten close to something... Or I could just be paranoid, I have a long standing history of that, apparently.


[Video] weaponsofwords October 14 2011, 02:35:01 UTC
It may well be. But then, seems you're in possession of your memories of those things regardless. And you're still here. So who's to say.

Either way, it's kind of worrisome.


[Video] neutralbyforce October 16 2011, 02:23:16 UTC
"Worrisome" is an understatement, to say the least. As for my memories... I don't have as many as I'd like. More come back slowly, but even they're disjointed.


[Video] weaponsofwords October 16 2011, 04:40:45 UTC
Hmm. Well, if you ever need to talk things out. I'm better at listening than people expect. [What with all the talking he does himself.]


[Video] neutralbyforce October 17 2011, 15:51:43 UTC
[Managing a small smile for his friend, Vash slowly shakes his head.]

I can’t think of anything at the moment I need to unburden myself with, Lavi, but I’ll certainly keep your offer in mind. The same is true in reverse as well, of course. My door, proverbial or otherwise, is always open to you.


[Video] weaponsofwords October 17 2011, 16:19:35 UTC
[The redhead nods a bit.] I appreciate it. Better than I'm all that good at conveying.


[Video] neutralbyforce October 19 2011, 17:13:45 UTC
What are friends for?

[Seriously, he has no idea, he's just kinda winging it.]


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