
Oct 03, 2011 13:48

[202 doesn't waste any time on pleasantries when her video feed clicks on, and with as liberally-coated as she is with what is obviously blood it's not hard to guess why. Her tone is measured, tight with control without which she'd clearly be on the verge of hysterics.]

I... I need a healer. Please. Anybody who can help. I've found Va... ( Read more... )

c: liechtenstein, c: marluxia, c: sieg, c: germany, unit 202, c: naoki kashima

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bewaeltigung October 3 2011, 19:08:15 UTC

[In an organized, but clearly panicked rush, Ludwig entered the clinic. His eyes darted around for Vash and 202. Under his arm was a medicine kit, an older era set, 1940s. Still he had antibiotics to protect Vash from many infections while he was healing.]

I vill handle heem for now.


unit_202 October 3 2011, 19:17:45 UTC
[202 steps reluctantly aside to permit Ludwig the space he needs to work, swiping a lock of blood-matted hair back behind one ear with one hand while her other passes over Vash's hair with nervous, gentle affection.]

Any way I can help, Ludwig, please...


bewaeltigung October 3 2011, 19:40:37 UTC

[He understood she was in pain. But right now he had no time to be comforting. His eyes were calculating, he had his 'business face' on.]

Vash yourself now. Any contaminants on your body might reinfect him viss somezing. After zat I could use some help administering zese medicines...

[Alright... antibiotics for staph, strep, TB, and pneumonia for starters. He sat at the head of the cot where Vash lay unconscious. He set his case on a nearby table, opening it and retrieving a coiled silicon tube. He retrieved an IV pole and looped the tubing around it after attaching a glass bottle of liquid to it. The he led it down to Vash's... well he didn't think his hands looked good for an IV entry. Front or back. Maybe the arm? After some inspection he found a good spot, disinfected and injected.]


unit_202 October 3 2011, 19:47:44 UTC
[Once again, the businesslike tenor of Ludwig's voice brings 02 back to her senses--Not that she'd redirected away from them by very much. She listens closely and answers him with a sharp nod before moving to the nearby sink. Her hair is drawn quickly back from her face and jerked into a broad knot, out of the way so her hands are free for a thorough scrubbing.

While she scrubs, hard enough to turn her pale skin almost as pink as the water that's washing away the blood that coated it, 202 watches Ludwig's actions intently over one shoulder. Glass... This Germany was not from her own time, clearly.

Shaking her hands dry, she steps back over.]

What are you doing?


bewaeltigung October 3 2011, 20:29:25 UTC
[He observed the IV a moment and then eyed Vash's body, as if deciding on where to start]

Help me reset zese... he ees out cold. Ve need to vork fast so ve are done before he vakes.

Zey are antibiotics, zey vill prevent him from getting infections vhile he ees healing.

[He rolled his sleeves up and reached for Vash's arm, gingerly pressing with his fingers, feeling for the exact break]


unit_202 October 3 2011, 21:07:09 UTC
[202 nods again to show her understanding, her face a neutral mask of singleminded determination. The faster they worked, the better--Anything she can do to keep Vash from any unnecessary pain, she will do. It's that simple.

Her hands move to mimic his, gently palpating their way over her lover's battered skin with an intense focus usually reserved for her weapons and the fine-tuning they require.]

Understood. I'm fairly certain I can... Oh.

[She pauses, feeling the way his arm isn't sitting quite properly in its socket, hanging limply askew outside of its proper placement... A clear dislocation.]


bewaeltigung October 3 2011, 21:14:15 UTC
[He watched her calmly for a second or two before looking back to the arm he was working on. A quick tug and he had the bone separated from its other half. After that he could ease it back into place. It might not be the best way but it was the one he knew worked on the warfront. It would work in here]


unit_202 October 3 2011, 22:02:42 UTC
[202 hums softly as she concentrates, not a tune but rather just an occasional "Hmm" or "Mm" as she makes a mental note of something. That dislocation in particular elicits a drawn-out noise of thought, and she lets her fingers feel their way over the warped joint for a moment to better ascertain what needs to be done.

Once it's clear, she simply braces his shoulder in one cupped hand and, gripping his upper arm in the other, rolls it gently, almost artfully into place with a resounding pop. To say it's kind that Switzerland was asleep for that little maneuver might be the understatement of the century, but 02 doesn't pause to consider it, instead moving promptly along to check his battered ribcage.]


bewaeltigung October 4 2011, 02:18:29 UTC
[And that garnered a pause in his own action. He watched her and for a moment he thought she couldn't be doing it right. But Vash's arm was looking better, then his shoulder, and the pops...]

How can you... do zat? [Yes he was weakened after his loss in the world war but he wasn't that bad off was he?}


neutralbyforce October 4 2011, 02:33:40 UTC
[The readjustment of his shoulder is enough to bring Vash partially to the surface of consciousness-- a weak scream is pulled from his lungs, soft only because of his inability to draw a full breath.]


unit_202 October 4 2011, 06:38:05 UTC
[202 winces at that sound--And then blinks, turning her attention from the German's query to her apparently-alive lover.]

Be easy, Vash, don't worry--You're safe now...

[Her hand moves from his ribs to cup his cheek tenderly as she whispers to him, taking a moment to soothe him before she offers Ludwig a curious tilt of her head.]

...What, his shoulder? It just needed to roll back into place, I don't have any affinity for healing, I assure you.


brotherxcomplex October 4 2011, 14:24:41 UTC
[ The moment she heard that, she didn't want to waste time responding so she dashed to the clinic and stopped abruptly once she heard 202's voice. Lili turned around, then ran into the room, stopping behind Germany. She knew she couldn't do much, but... ]

... What can I do?


bewaeltigung October 4 2011, 16:40:36 UTC
[He shook his head.]

Nein, I meant how easily you shifted eet back eento place... bones aren't easy to move...

[Then Lili appeared and he sighed. Verdammt, he didn't want her to see Vash this way.]

Lili... Can you get me some vater? [something to get her out of the room for a bit at least. After that he rummaged through his case, getting another bottle.]

I'll geeve heem some Morphine to keel ze pain. Ve need more time.


brotherxcomplex October 5 2011, 03:15:34 UTC
[ She'll nod, then reach out to wipe a bit of sweat of of his forhead.]

Water... hm.

[ She'll leave the room to look for something to spill some water in, half half heartedly looking for a bowl, or something. ]


unit_202 October 9 2011, 14:44:22 UTC
[202's reply is cut begins to speak, her eyes training instantly on Lili as she enters--And then flicking to Ludwig's face when she leaves again.]

Morphine will help with the pain, but it might be best if he were unconscious again for this. Isn't there a way to manage that?


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