♈ 004 ]} video

Sep 29, 2011 04:26

[ Aradia looks positively lively when the feed turns up. She seems to be enjoying the festival - there are flowers in her hair, there is music in the air and the sun is shining. ]Wow, this sure is a fun celebration isn't it ( Read more... )

aradia megido, c: naoki kashima

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video scalethetower September 29 2011, 14:01:21 UTC
It is fun, huh? Nice to see that you're enjoying it, too, Aradia.

[Naoki grins.] The games seem to be harder than they look.


video arisenaradia September 29 2011, 14:25:23 UTC
I am! I haven't had this much fun in... In so long, really.

[ She smiles, but looks away for a fraction of second. She just wished all of her friends could be having fun too; but as it is, fact remains that this is not their world.. ]

They are! Or maybe I'm just not too used to them, heheh.
You're having fun too, right?


video scalethetower September 29 2011, 23:53:48 UTC
I know how you feel.

[It was like that when he'd first arrived. Where he could turn his mind from the horrors of the Vortex World.]

Could be it; me either, really. [Pauses at the question and chuckles, nodding.] Very much!


video arisenaradia September 30 2011, 00:49:36 UTC
[ She has grown considerably more worried about the state of her friends.. Especially after becoming acquainted with an adult troll. She wishes there was more she could do, but it is best not to dwell on it. ]

Mhm! Well I am glad you're having fun too!!
We should meet up before the festival ends. Perhaps we will be able to win some of the games as a team!


video scalethetower September 30 2011, 13:12:25 UTC
We should, shouldn't we? [Naoki grins in a conspiratorial fashion.] Like they say, two heads are better than one. And then there's always giving sideline support. [What? He'll cheer you on, Aradia.]


video arisenaradia October 1 2011, 01:35:43 UTC
[ And Aradia grins right back at him. ]

Exactly! Together, our chances of winning at all of those games is considerably higher. I'm sure we would make a great team.


video scalethetower October 1 2011, 14:37:39 UTC
Oh, you think so too, huh? I bet there's never been a team as good as us before.

[He laughs and, jokingly,] We'd be taking home all the prizes and leaving none for anyone else.


video arisenaradia October 2 2011, 13:59:54 UTC
Most likely not! I have full faith in the outcome of our skills combined.

[ She laughs as well, imagining just that. ]

Well maybe we could share the prizes. Maybe!


video scalethetower October 3 2011, 01:28:50 UTC
[Naoki laughs, lifts a hand with a grin and curls it into a determined fist.]

We're unstoppable, hm?

[Then he quirks up an eyebrow, amused.]



video arisenaradia October 3 2011, 17:36:02 UTC
[ Aradia mimics the gesture, laughing; this is a good sign, right? These cultural novelties are fantastic! ]

That we are! [ She grins, then, shrugging playfully. ] Hehe. Well, it is something we could do as winners, buuut do we want to?

[ Aradia's playful mode: on. ]


video scalethetower October 4 2011, 00:12:52 UTC
[Naoki laughs.] Would we want to--yeah, that's indeed the question. We might end up working together but once we have the prizes in hand start competing against each other for them...


video arisenaradia October 4 2011, 00:32:16 UTC
[ She hums softly, setting her hands on her hips. ]

Then I suppose we must find a fair way to divide those prizes beforehand and stick to it, hmm?


video scalethetower October 4 2011, 03:14:01 UTC
I suppose so. We'll decide on the number of games, perhaps, and split it evenly between us from there...


video arisenaradia October 6 2011, 02:18:16 UTC
I think that sounds like a reasonable way to solve the issue! We've got quite the plan here, huh? I am sure it would work out perfectly.


video scalethetower October 6 2011, 12:44:38 UTC
Yup. All that's left now is to make sure we win 'em!


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