26th Rainfal [Accidental Video/Action]

Sep 21, 2011 23:47

[Aqua's standing on top of one of the towers in the city. Next to her, is a suit of armor. To some, it may be very similar but the colors are off. The colors are lighter now, silver, gold and blue instead of the darkened blue and silver. To honor her Master. Of course, this isn't the armor she once wore. This suit of armor is new. She'd been working on recreating her armor since she'd returned from the catacombs all that time ago. Though the design is the same. It took months of painstaking work to recreate it.

Al that's left now is to enchant it and tie it into the one piece of armor that hangs off her sleeve. In a flash of golden light wrapping around her hand and extending further to shape around the form of a Keyblade, she called Master Keeper and points it at the armor.]

Armor that protects me, shield me from Darkness and protect me from harm. It is the duty we share, protecting those that can't defend themselves from the dangers that Darkness may possess. We work as one.

[Steadily, a beam of gold magic extends from the Keyblade to the armor and Aqua removes the piece of armor that hangs on her sleeve now. She drops it in the path of the magic between weapon and armor.]

I'll call you when I'm in need. Sleep here so you can always protect me.

[There's a bright flash of Light magic and the armor disappears from sight. The small piece that Aqua had removed from her clothes remains floating for a moment before dropping. She quickly catches it before it lands and then reattaches it to her sleeve before placing her hand over it. In another flash, she encased in the armor.

The blue haired master swings her Keyblade a few times, testing the flexibility of the enchanted metal. Once she's content, her armor and Keyblade disappear. And then... The feed ends.]

[ooc: Since there's no canon-specific way to craft Keyblade armor... I MADE ONE UP! Please don't shoot me.]


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