[ Video ]

Sep 19, 2011 21:38

[ The sky was only cloudy today, but it seemed fitting, really.

The clouds let rays of light filter through, like the strings of programming let hopeful thoughts come into the forefront of his attention. One one hand, Theta was a dear friend of his, and wanted him to come along and live happily with the two of them. He would belong with people, and be happy and welcomed. He wouldn't be a machine or beast of burden, a toy that danced and sang on stage for people--he loved to dance and sing! Just....he would be doing things everyone else told him to do. Nothing he wanted to do, nothing he wrote. He'd just be back-up for publicity.

But with Theta..they both loved music, and he found a little niche he belongd. It would be a small and quiet life for the most part, but a full one. Even without all of the fanfare of being a copy of a famous VOCALOID. Besides, he would be easily replaced in his home world, right? He was commissioned, bought and made on demand. But he was bought by a high-profile record label that had planned a tour around his arrival. He..didn't want to disappoint all of those people who would have to wait while another one was built, but..the thought of being so easy to replace wasn't exactly his idea of 'awesome,' even if it was a handy scapegoat for his own purposes.

From where his communicator sat by his side, open and recording unknown to the machine, the picture went only up to his jaw while his head remained upturned to the sky. He seemed to be sitting on one of the towers, just enjoying a moment alone to think. What the video captured next was a song he was singing to no one in particular, or with no real understanding of why he wanted to sing it. He didn't understand the reasoning his programming put forth, and there were even fewer reasons to sing since he thought he was by himself, unaware of the recording. But for some reason..it just...it felt right. And it made him feel better. ]

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[ When he finished, the wind blew and pushed the communicator, spinning it a bit. The sound caught his attention and his brows raised with a gasp, reaching to quickly cut the feed and snap the communicator shut. ]

c: france, c: samantha carter, c: Elizabeθ Buckley, c: gwendolen chant, kaito shion, c: miku hatsune

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