2nd Seed [Accidental video] Innocent icon is innocent

Sep 18, 2011 12:47

[Oh look Ruby City, it is one of those forever entertaining accidental videos that the watches are just begging for you to see. And the vastly important moment that the communicators just don't want you all to miss? Yeah, it's filming a squirrel. It's a cute squirrel, but one all the same. It's safe to assume that the watch is hanging from someone's waist, and filming whatever scene it happens to be pointed at.

The squirrel seems untroubled by its new celebrity status, and just continues to chitter in its overexcited way. It looks like it really likes the owner of the watch, as it keeps close, darting forward to sniff and then bouncing back.

A dark hand reaches down for the creature, letting it sniff and paw at, and eventually hop into, its big fluffy tail curling around its body. The hand is pulled back, taking the little mammal off screen, but the wound up squirrel chatter can still be heard.

Does… it sound a little scared now?

What was that startled squeak?



Bye bye squirrel. ]

c: france, c: liechtenstein, c: chise, c: stray, c: scott pilgrim, c: n. italy

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