002 - [Video/Action]

Sep 15, 2011 14:17

[Sam probably hasn't been seen in days. Her apartment probably has a fine layer of dust on everything. She's probably miserable as hell.

And she is! In fact, she's stumbling out of the catacombs now and looking a bit older than she was, hair grown longer and in a messy bun. She's wearing her dress blue uniform, well decorated and with a star on them to show her rank: Brigadier General. She could be a bit worse for wear, dirt covering various patches on her uniform and her face but she's in one piece.

And right now, she's incredibly unhappy.]

Dammit, no! I can't be here now!

This can't be happening, there's too much going on right now!

[She almost turns back into the catacombs but stops. She recalls Ruby City, of course, and time had resumed right where she had left before first arriving. Ten years of experience taught her to remain calm. Sam took a deep breath and relaxed herself. With her promotion, she hadn't carried much in terms of weaponry but she'd somehow managed to keep a hold of the weapons she first came with.]

Thank God.

c: maciel, samantha carter

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