002 -- [Video]

Sep 15, 2011 11:46

[Break is sitting on the front porch of Gilbert's house with something in his hand. He shows it to the screen. It's a cupcake.]

Aren't these a nice thought?

[Break pulls the cake away from the screen.]

I found them outside just as I was leaving today. There was even a note on the box. What a wonderful gift!

[And he starts eating it. Video still ( Read more... )

c: liechtenstein, xerxes break, c: gilbert nightray, c: naoki kashima

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(action) scalethetower September 16 2011, 12:48:58 UTC
[Opening up the door and stepping out--

And juuust managing to stop himself before he goes tripping over Break. He blinks. Ooh? What's that smell?]

Oh, hey-- Where'd you get those? [Cuuurious.]


(action) breaking_candy September 17 2011, 05:52:27 UTC
[Break leans his head back and smiles.]

They were a gift! There was even a note!

[He lets Naoki see it. The note just says, "Break, thank you. Lilly."]


(action) scalethetower September 18 2011, 15:40:32 UTC
Oh? [Naoki leans over to have a good look, edging to the side and closing the front door behind him.]

You helped someone out, then, eh?


(action) breaking_candy September 19 2011, 09:10:31 UTC
I suppose, though I can't imagine what I did for her.

[Must have been something though.]


(action) scalethetower September 19 2011, 12:22:27 UTC
You don't know?



(action) breaking_candy September 19 2011, 13:24:15 UTC

[Break doesn't normally think about what he's done for others.]


(action) scalethetower September 20 2011, 01:44:19 UTC
Well, whatever it was, it helped her out.

[Laughing. Naoki plops down alongside him.]


(action) breaking_candy September 20 2011, 06:14:27 UTC
I suppose it did.

[There's a pause. Break, despite his want to keep them all, plucks one from the box and hands it over with a smile. He wants information from you, Naoki, and this is the perfect way to get it.]


(action) scalethetower September 20 2011, 14:34:05 UTC

[Surprised, Naoki takes it.] Thank you.


(action) breaking_candy September 20 2011, 20:07:13 UTC
You're welcome.

[A pause as Break takes another from the box.]

We talked before, but I don't believe we've sat down and had a conversation before.


(action) scalethetower September 21 2011, 03:18:05 UTC
Ah--no, we haven't, have we?

[He grins, sheepishly.]

A lot happened there. I was, ah, a bit distracted. [And panicked and all other manner of things until Gilbert's return.]


(action) breaking_candy September 21 2011, 16:32:01 UTC
It's perfectly understandable. You were so worried about Gilbert-kun. That must mean you're pretty close~.


(action) scalethetower September 21 2011, 23:56:14 UTC
Ah-- [Naoki goes pink and rubs the back of his head.] Y-yeah, we are. [Sort of an understatement, really.]


(action) breaking_candy September 26 2011, 07:08:36 UTC
[Well, Gilbert did tell Break that they were dating and to be nice. Buuut Break feels like trolling.]

How close are you two?


(action) scalethetower September 26 2011, 13:31:42 UTC

[Well, it's nothing embarrassing to say so, right? Heck, Naoki's proud of it. Still goes red, though. Before he lifts up his hand and points to the simple band on his ring finger.]

This close.

[Liiiiittle bit beyond dating, there.]


(action) breaking_candy September 27 2011, 20:43:57 UTC
[Break can't see, but given the movements and the words, Break can imagine what it is. A ring. Leave it to Gilbert for being so tacky.]

Congratulations~! I never thought Gilbert-kun would be so close~!


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